Accurate Psychic Predictions 2017: A Year in Review

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Accurate Psychic Predictions 2017: A Year in Review

2:17 pm PST: Scroll down to read more predictions, but here are some of the biggest ones:

*Eagles vs. Patriots Super Bowl 2018 & Eagles Win

*Best Picture Upset–And that Both Moonlight & LaLaLand Would Be Remembered as ‘Choice’ for This Year’s Best Picture–Over 6 Weeks Before it Happened

*2017 North Korea Missile Launch Over Japan

*Trump Money Laundering through Real Estate

*Trump Financial Ties to Russian Mafia

*Stock Market Crash

*Trump Calling Special Investigation a “Witch Hunt”

*New Watergate Scandal

*Jill Stein Campaign Contact with Russian Officials

*March 20th FBI Investigation Announcement

*Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Get More Serious in 2017

*Global Women’s Movement

*London Attack Near Parliament

*South African President Forced to Resign

*Amtrak Train Crash in Washington, D.C.

*A Second Cold War

*Timing of William & Kate’s Third Baby Announcement

*US Domestic Conflict in the South & Toppling of Monuments

*Major Flooding in Florida & Gulf of México

*Heightened Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

*Embryos Grown in Labs

& More

Accurate Psychic Predictions 2017

These are just some of the highlights of predictions that came true in predictions in 2017, but there are many others that didn’t make it into this entry. If you locate any accurate psychic predictions I missed by using the search bar above , please post what you find in the comments below. Thank you!


December 31, 2016 Blog Post

January 1, 2018 Blog Post


Prediction: Stock Market Crash

What I Got Right: The February, 2018 selloff was preceded by accelerated purchases of cryptocurrencies. I predict the market will have a panicked selloff of tech shares, possibly with a week or two, followed an even more significant global drop by about March.* While there will be occasional upturns, it looks like a year of high highs and low lows…but more on the side of losses than gains. It will be an historic year of firsts in many ways, especially when it comes to politics, the economy, and the environment. The next stock market downturn will be the second-to-final nail in the coffin of Trump’s so-called Presidency, bringing his ratings as low as the 20s. In an ironic tribute to the 1920s!

What I Missed: I didn’t make the connection between cryptocurrencies and the crash, even though I wrote about these two topics in subsequent paragraphs. I’m going to start paying more attention to my segues! Also, I saw more than one date for the crash. Does that mean another major crash is on the way? Stay tuned for more…


Prediction: Rise of Global Currency

January 11, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right: The rise of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in 2017.


Prediction: Trump Ties to Russian Mafia

May 29, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Former Mall Spaces Rented as Low-Cost Housing

June 5, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right: Some American malls are now being converted into tiny home complexes.


Prediction: Eagles vs. Patriots Super Bowl & Eagles Win

June 6, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: I mentioned a dream about an eagle set to the patriotic song “America the Beautiful”. Eight months later, it was announced that the Philadelphia Eagles would be playing the New England Patriots at the 2018 Super Bowl. On the January 26, 2018 episode of our radio show, me and Astrologer/ London Correspondent Jessica Adams correctly predicted an Eagles win for the 2018 Super Bowl. On the following episode from February 2, 2018, Psychic Medium/ Seattle Correspondent Lyndsey Paul also predicted an Eagles win. You can check out more of Jessica’s accurate predictions from 2017 on her psychic astrology blog. Listen for more predictions from Lyndsey, Jessica, and other psychic correspondents on future episodes of America’s Love Channel.

US News

Prediction: Shooting Near Louisville, Kentucky Week of June 10, 2017 & Mention of Baseball

January 7, 2015 Blog Post Predicting Physical Attacks on Congress.

June 10, 2017 Blog Post. Rep. Scalise of Louisiana was shot in June 14, 2017 during a Congressional Baseball Practise in Virginia.

What I Got Right: On June 10th, 2017, I predicted that in the next week or month there would be a baseball game “world record” and shooting in or around Louisville, Kentucky. On June 14th, 2017, Rep. Scalise was shot at a Congressional baseball game in Virginia.

What I Missed: I saw the shooting as being in or around Louisville, Kentucky, but it happened in the adjacent state of Virginia. Two sentences later, I mentioned a baseball game.


Prediction: Amtrak Train Crash in Washington D.C.

November 29, 2015 Blog Post

What I Got Right:

What I Missed: The crash occurred in January, not September, although there was an Amtrak crash in September, 2017 on a train bound for Chicago. 17 is mentioned in the prediction, so perhaps that number alludes to 2017.


Prediction: Trump Calls Special Investigation a “Witch Hunt”

May 10, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: I published this prediction 8 days before Trump claimed the investigation was a “witch hunt” on Twitter. ***

Prediction: FBI Investigation Announcement Close to March 20th, 2017

March 2, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: FBI investigation into Trump campaign collusion with Russia announced to Congress and media on March 20th, 2017. ***

Prediction: Trump Money Laundering through Real Estate

April 3, 2017 Blog Post


May 29, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Interstate ID Checks in US

January 19, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: There have been reports of Greyhound bus ID checks and ID checkpoints within the US.


Prediction: Movement for Prisoners to Have Voting Rights Restored-with Mention of Florida

October 6, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right:

What I Missed: I didn’t realise that Florida, which was mentioned in the paragraph prior to the prediction, would be connected to the prisoner’s voting rights restoration issue.


Prediction: Major Flooding in Florida & Gulf of México in 2017

December 31, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right: 2017 hurricanes in the US were especially prominent in Florida and Texas, the latter of which is adjacent to the Gulf of México.
What I Missed: The “invasion” was a hurricane.


Prediction: New FBI Director to Look Like Neil Gorsuch

May 10, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: Okay, they’re not quite triplets, but you’ll probably notice multiple physical similarities amongst Gorsuch, McCabe, and Mueller. Andrew McCabe was named FBI Director after the dismissal of James Comey. A week later, Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel in the FBI Russia Investigation.
accurate predictions 2017

Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe


(l-r) Supreme Court “Justice” Neil Gorsuch and Special Counsel/ Former FBI Director Robert Mueller.


Prediction: Earthquake in the Pacific Rim

October 6, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right:

What I Missed: The quake measured 7.9 on the Richter scale.


Prediction: Jill Stein Campaign Contact with Russian Officials

October 6, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: While this claim isn’t yet officially confirmed, there’s been an ongoing Senate investigation into Jill Stein’s possible collusion with Russian officials.


Prediction: 2016 US Presidential Elections Fraud


March 12th, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Watergate Scandal in US

March 12, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: 2017 Conflict that escalates into “Outright Battle”, with Mention of Virginia


August 13, 2015 Blog Post

What I Got Right: 2017 White Supremacist Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia resulted in three deaths and multiple injuries.


Prediction: Toppling of Monuments and Statues in US South

August 13, 2015 Blog Post

What I Got Right: Prediction was made two years minus one day prior to the violent August 12, 2017 Neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville.


Prediction: Trump Affair Allegations

October 5, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Most of White House Administration Stepping Down

May 29, 2017 Blog Post


Prediction:Attempted Suppression of Press in the US

January 19, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Lawnmower in Connection with End of Summer, 2017 in the US

June 6, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: An 11-year-old Trump fan or burgeoning opportunist made his way onto the White House lawn for a photo op near the end of summer, 2017.

Prediction: Summer, 2017 Internet Blackouts

December 31, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right: There was an August, 2017 social media blackout , as well as a December, 2017 vote to repeal net neutrality.


Prediction: Trump Presidential Approval Rating Drop to 32% in 2017

May 10, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: Presidential Approval Rating dropped to 32 percent by December, 2017.


Prediction: Schoolchildren Protesting US Government


February 14, 2017 Blog Post


Prediction: Trump Accusations of Treason

November, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right: It hasn’t all transpired quite yet, but media accusations of treason and collusion with a foreign power only increased throughout 2017 and into 2018. Just this week, Trump has been accusing others of treason-undoubtedly projecting what he knows will be revealed about his own acts of treason in time.


Prediction: Shadow Government Develops in the US; States Assume More Independence

March 2, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: Upon federal withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, local businesses and leaders committed to the Paris Accord independently of the federal government. Mike Bloomberg pledged his own money to the UN so there would not be a financial gap in the US’s commitment to contribute to international climate change work.

January 19, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: Larel, I like your interpretation. While few might find DeVos’ presence in office “heartwarming” (see above), you’re right that she’s sparked many protests!

Global News

Prediction: South Africa President Forced to Resign

December 31, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right: While Zuma hasn’t yet officially resigned, he is under pressure to step down due to corruption allegations. I predict that he will make a full resignation soon, possibly within 2 months.


Prediction: Terrorist Attack near London Eye/ River Thames/ Parliament

November 29, 2015 Blog Post

What I Got Right:

What I Missed: I predicted the attack would be May, 2016, but it happened in March, 2017.


Prediction: “Fear No More” Movement & Symbol in Response to Attacks Outside British Parliament

November 29, 2015 Blog Post

What I Got Right:
What I Missed: The movement and viral meme became known as “We Are Not Afraid”, rather than “Fear No More”.

Prediction: Acid Attacks & Women’s Movement in India

November 29, 2015 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Heightened Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


January 7, 2015 Blog Post


October 29, 2015 Blog Post

What I Got Right: Conflict Following Trump’s Move of US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; Electricity Crisis


Prediction: A Second Cold War

December 31, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Handholding Protest for International Cause

January 19, 2017 Blog Post


What I Got Right:




Prediction: Day Without a Woman Strike, March 8, 2017

January 25, 2017 Tweet

What I Got Right:


Prediction: 2017-2018 Protests Similar to US Protests of 1960s-1970s

December 31, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right:



Prediction: Russian Political Scandal


June 11, 2013 Blog Post


What I Got Right:


Prediction: Canada Becomes Moral Guide to US

December 31, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right:

Science & Technology

Prediction: Embryos Grown in Labs

August 13, 2015 Blog Post


What I Got Right:


Prediction: Discovery of Planet with Water


December 24, 2015 Blog Post


What I Got Right:



Prediction: Heat Waves Melting Asphalt

December 31, 2016 Blog Post


What I Got Right:


Prediction: Medical Nanobots

Dec. 24, 2015 Blog Post

What I Got Right:



Prediction: Hacked Camera Phone Epidemic


June 23, 2016 Blog Post


What I Got Right: On March 7, 2017, it was revealed in the Washington Post and New York Times that the CIA has been using smartphones and other devices to spy on people in the US.




Prediction: Asteroid Impact on Earth

June 5, 2016 Blog Post


What I Got Right:

What I Missed: The asteroid came close, but did not hit Earth. Another will be nearby on February 4th, 2018, but NASA has assured it will not impact Earth. However, the prediction was for 2-3 years from 2016, so there still could be an asteroid that impacts the surface of the planet. Yet I hope the full impact of this prediction does not come to pass. I’d rather be wrong than dead!

Before you panic, keep in mind that NASA technology has been developing more over time. It is possible these asteroids have been nearby but have only recently become more identifiable due to technological advances. I am predicting an Science Renaissance soon, especially in the fields of astrophysics and medical science. I see scientists being more celebrated due a major breakthrough a little over a decade from now–something that quite literally saves the human species. ***

Prediction: Gonorrhoea Epidemic (Sorry, Not a Pleasant One!)

This prediction was in a blog post from December 31, 2016. Please, no need to clap.

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Winter, 2017 Epidemic (Still Not Pleasant! Keep Reading, Fashion & Entertainment are Just Around the Corner!)

May 29, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Internal Drug to Alter Sun Protection & Adjust Skin Colour

April 5, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right:

Fashion, Arts & Trends

Prediction: Neo-Nudist Fashion

February 7, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right:

Designer Thom Browne’s nude-inspired fashions for 2017.


Prediction: High Heels Become Less Popular

May 5, 2016 Blog Post


What I Got Right:


Prediction: Political Swimsuits in the US

December 31, 2016 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Oversized Clothing

December 24, 2015 Blog Post

What I Got Right:

Just one seam prevents this “shawl” from regressing into a full-on picnic blanket. (Source:, 2017)


Prediction: 2017 Best Picture Oscar Split

January 11, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: I predicted that both Moonlight and LaLaLand would be remembered as Best Picture winners for 2017. I also foresaw an upset regarding Moonlight, and correctly predicted 13/16 Winners in top Oscar categories.




Prediction: Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Get More Serious in 2017

February 14, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right:


Prediction: Melania Separation from Trump

February 14, 2017 Blog Post

What I Got Right: Whether or not they are officially separated, Melania has been cancelling plans with the Conmander-in-Chief, including a wedding anniversary trip to Davos, ever since it was revealed that Trump had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels (you might still be able to Read full report on the latest videos) shortly after Melania gave birth to their son.




Prediction: Kesha Connects Women’s Rights to Album & Work


February 14, 2017 Blog Post


What I Got Right:



Prediction: William and Kate to Expect Third Baby


June 21, 2017 Blog Post


What I Got Right:


Accurate Predictions 2017



If you confirm accurate psychic predictions from any of the entries on this blog (or from listening live to our radio show or podcasts, America’s Love Channel*) and tag me on Twitter @kyraoser, you automatically become one of our voluntary online correspondents** and might be featured in Accurate Psychic Predictions 2017 Thank you for being an important part of Psychic News Network!

Stay Tuned for Upcoming News of the Future from Psychic News Network…

Coming Soon!

world predictions, queen elizabeth I

Psychic Detective Kyra Oser solves the mystery of “Did Queen Elizabeth I Order the Murder of Favourite Robert Dudley’s Wife? And Why Did the Queen Never Marry?” Stay tuned for upcoming episodes of History’s Mysteries Solved!

Image result for notorious BIG

The mystery of “Who Killed Biggie Smalls?”, on an upcoming episode of History’s Mysteries Solved!

History’s Mysteries Solved: Did Richard III Murder the Princes in the Tower?

2018 Predictions: US, Global, Economy, Entertainment, & Astrology

Accurate Predictions 2017

History’s Mysteries Solved: Who Killed Biggie Smalls?

Q & A: More US, World & US Healthcare Predictions

History’s Mysteries Solved: Did Queen Elizabeth I Order the Murder of Favourite Robert Dudley’s Wife? And Why Did the Queen Never Marry?


Help Fund News from the Future:

Listen Live to more psychic predictions on KKNW 1150 am Seattle’s America’s Love Channel, hosted by Psychic Hypnotherapist Kyra Oser, Global Psychic Correspondents, & “Everybody’s Soulmate”, Jordan Musen! Fridays @ 1 pm PST/4 pm EST in Seattle, Vancouver, and online worldwide. Call us for predictions about the future of your love life!

*Please consult with your stockbroker or financial advisor regarding financial decisions and investments.

**Voluntary correspondents are commentators who participate by offering online feedback. No employment or compensation is either expressed or implied.


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  5. Jesse J. Tripp on June 4, 2018 at 6:23 pm said:

    I have waited months for any new articles

    from you. I know why you’re not doing it: either you’re undergoing another surgery, recovering from one, or writing the overdue articles. I’m so, so, so sorry, Kyra. It’s not pandering. I hope I didn’t make you mad, but like all the other people who read your blog, I want to see that very very long-overdue article and some you’ve been planning obviously for weeks.

    If it’s this week, I hope you’re ready for it. You have kept us sane for so long with your radio show, your podcasts, and so much other past blog work.

    P.S. I think that the “President” will be ousted in a few months’ time, in my honest opinion.

    God bless you, Kyra. And I mean it.

    And I’m also sorry for losing my patience on you. I thought you were going to let us down. But I know you’ll never let us down with the promise of future articles. No hard feelings, right?

  6. Jesse J. Tripp on May 23, 2018 at 1:51 am said:

    Plus, I just read one of the articles. My apologies for nagging you for the next article, BIG TIME. I should really start being a whole lot more grateful for keeping us sane in an insane time, as I like to say a lot. Thanks for that.

    I know you’re taking your time on a follow-up to this article. Even though it’s long-overdue, I understand that you’re either recovering from another surgery, taking your time on a new article, or sleeping right now.

    I am still impressed by all your work in predicting the future. Thank you for all the time you have to write them.

  7. Jesse J. Tripp on May 23, 2018 at 1:47 am said:

    Okay. I’ve been pondering this for a long time but what do you see about the possibility that J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye might EVER be adapted as a film, even adapted as a sort-of, um, art-house type?

    No reason I asked… but I had been thinking about this thought that lingered for ten years.

    Hope you’re alright, Kyra.

  8. Lily on May 22, 2018 at 12:47 pm said:

    To all posters here who are anxious and stressed out over politics etc., there are several onlines psychics on YouTube who make predictions fairly often. It helps me to listen to them.

  9. Jellybean on May 21, 2018 at 4:22 pm said:

    Kyra, I really hope you’re in good health now. I feel such a frustration when I see posters here who nag & pressure you for another update. It would upset me so much if I were you. I wish people would be grateful for the time you’ve already spent doing something you aren’t required to. I would miss your posts if you quit doing them, but I’d definitely understand. Thank you for all the past post you’ve done! ?

  10. Jesse J. Tripp on May 15, 2018 at 9:44 am said:

    Please be sure your next article is here soon. I’m getting a bit frustrated from the wait you made us go through the past three months for your next article. My apologies, though, Kyra. I hope I didn’t you make mad.

    I just hope it’s worth it, though…

  11. Jesse J. Tripp on May 8, 2018 at 9:18 am said:

    Kyra, your next article better be ready this week. I’m sorry for telling you this. It’s just that if I don’t see one, I could get enraged. Again, my apologies. I hope I didn’t make you upset here and there.

  12. Jesse Tripp on May 5, 2018 at 9:51 pm said:

    I’m sorry for saying this but I’m slowly running out of patience for your next article. I know it’ll be a few more days but it’s okay. For your next article, I want you to please make predictions about the future of film and television. I hope I didn’t upset you. It’s okay. And I just happen to know that you’re taking your time. Night.

    Loved your show with Jessica yesterday!

  13. Jesse J. Tripp on May 3, 2018 at 10:47 pm said:

    What’s the future of comic books?

  14. Jesse J. Tripp on May 1, 2018 at 4:03 pm said:

    Will there be a future for science fiction films, Kyra? I’m asking because it’s turning a whole lot more urgent than I think, after reading an interview by James Cameron about “Avengers fatigue.”

  15. Jesse J. Tripp on April 4, 2018 at 1:19 am said:

    Guillermo del Toro, who won the Academy Award for Best Director AND Best Picture for, “The Shape of Water,” is starting a new label with Fox Searchlight to create intelligent genre films. What do you see about it? Do you see it going well? Yes, it’s Mercury Retrograde, but I just want to know: will his label work?

  16. Jellybean on April 2, 2018 at 8:50 pm said:

    Just a note of thanks for all you’ve predicted Kyra. Even if you’re never able to post again, for whatever reasons you may have I’m grateful you’ve shared information that definately soothed my anxiety, and I trust that trump will be exposed when the time is right. ❤️

  17. Jesse J. Tripp on March 18, 2018 at 3:58 am said:

    I know you’re taking a break, but I really would like to see your next article on the blog at some time this week, please.

  18. Sharon on March 9, 2018 at 6:50 pm said:

    Hi Kyra! I miss your posts! They were always great! I’m anxious read your predictions about changes in attitudes towards and laws regarding animals. I hope you’re ok and can soon post again on a regular basis!

  19. Jesse J. Tripp on March 9, 2018 at 5:55 pm said:

    There had just been a tariff deal. What do you see about it? Will there be a huge class action lawsuit against him for that?

  20. Pattie Bailey on March 6, 2018 at 2:45 pm said:

    I wish you the best, but checking your blog for for months and still not seeing a prediction for 2018 by March seems pointless. If you are no longer managing or contributing to the site please just shut it down. Seems less cruel.

  21. Jesse J. Tripp on March 5, 2018 at 8:49 pm said:

    My apologies for saying this, but I’m starting to lose my patience, Kyra, so when’s your next article coming??

  22. Jesse J. Tripp on March 5, 2018 at 7:36 pm said:

    When’s your articles for this month coming, Kyra?

  23. Jesse J. Tripp on March 1, 2018 at 10:50 pm said:

    I wonder if reality shows will go out of style and the arts will be appreciated even more than ever before after this extremely chaotic ordeal is finally over.

    I think the arts should be on television channels again more, to be precise, and could guide humanity to the next step of enlightenment.

    My apologies for this, but I’m starting to wonder if this will be true or not.

  24. Jesse J. Tripp on February 26, 2018 at 10:06 pm said:

    Do you think that there’ll be something big after the so-called Presidency get it’s final nail in the coffin?

  25. Patricia Bailey on February 26, 2018 at 9:25 am said:

    I sincerely hope you are doing well, but can you give us ANY indication of when you will post your next set of predictions. I have checked daily for two months and see nothing but one set of predictions for the Oscars. I love the Oscars but I think a lot of us are a little terrified of the situation with our government. I will take ANYTHING. A single sentence, ANYTHING, regarding Mueller and Trump. I humbly request your help. Sorry, but I am very afraid for my democracy. Humbly yours.

  26. Jesse J. Tripp on February 25, 2018 at 1:27 am said:

    I’m sorry for getting impatient again, but what will be the exact final nail in the coffin of the illegitimate presidency?

  27. Jesse J. Tripp on February 22, 2018 at 7:21 pm said:

    It took me a while to think about it but I now know that this March’s next stock market downturn will be one of the final nails in the coffin for Trump’s so-called Presidency. A unique and brilliant way of putting it, as Mueller has more than enough evidence to destroy him, and the votes on the plan to reverse the FCC’s disturbing plan is about to get even stronger.

    Can’t wait for your next article. Thanks.

  28. Nathan Fleischman on February 11, 2018 at 2:15 am said:

    Any predictions regarding Trump?

  29. Jesse J. Tripp on February 10, 2018 at 7:45 am said:

    When is the next significant global drop?

  30. Jesse J. Tripp on February 7, 2018 at 12:11 pm said:

    What is the particular scientific breakthrough that literally saves humanity?

    What will cinema become over the next couple of years?

  31. Jesse J. Tripp on February 7, 2018 at 5:44 am said:

    What do you see about the Church of Scientology? With Leah Remini and Mike Rinder exposing them as pure evil incarnate, I have a feeling that it’s a sign that years from now, their tax-exempt status will finally be revoked. So, what do you see about them?

  32. Jesse J. Tripp on February 6, 2018 at 11:33 pm said:

    Congratulations. You’re keeping us safe in a time of chaos.

  33. The sheer volume of correct predictions you’ve made is truly impressive. I’ve noticed that other online psychics play it safe by only giving their impressions and other obvious methods of avoiding the possibility of being wrong. You definately don’t shy away from bold predictions with such a high degree of accuracy. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.

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