Psychic Readings:
The Process…
*Are phone and Skype readings as accurate as in person?
*Is Kyra available in person?
*Is Kyra available every day?
*May I record the session?
*Should I have any questions prepared?
*Do I need a psychic reading?
*What should I expect from a reading with Kyra?
*How does channeling work?
*Does Kyra do spells or exorcisms?
*Are curses real?
*Should I avail myself of your services if I’m afraid of scary predictions?
*What can I learn from a session?
*Why does past and present information come up in a reading?
*How do you know the difference between making a prediction and tapping into someone’s hopes and fears?
*Does Kyra do readings about the stock market or gambling?
*Is Kyra able to answer questions after the session?
*Does Kyra read for couples?
*Is it okay to see multiple psychics and ask the same questions?
*What else should I do to prepare for a reading?
Booking a Session…
*What is the difference between a “Psychic Tarot Reading” and a “Psychic Reading”?
*If I only have one question to ask Kyra, why do I need at least a 60 minute session with her?
*What if I want to extend my session?
*How often can I come in for a psychic reading or hypnotherapy?
How to Make a Payment:
(Psychic Readings or Hypnotherapy)…
*How can I make a payment?
*What if I prefer to pay by credit card?
*What if I prefer to pay by cash?
*How do I pay with my gift certificate?
*Are tips accepted?
*Do you offer any sales?
Technical Troubleshooting:
*I’m trying to book a session but the “Rates and Scheduling” button is freezing and/or I’m getting the “spinning wheel”. What can I do?
*Is it okay to call or text?
The Process…
*Will one session fix my problem?
*Can I work on multiple issues within one session?
*May I record a hypnotherapy or past life regression session?
*I am interested in a past life regression. Do I have to believe in past lives in order for it to work?
*Do you offer a past life regression combined with hypnotherapy in one session?
*Why and how does hypnosis work?
*What should I do to prepare for a session?
*I want to have a hypnotherapy session to help me work toward my goals, but I’m not clear yet on what my specific goals are. Would you recommend starting with a hypnotherapy session or psychic reading?
Booking a Session…
*How can I let Kyra know about the issues I would like to work on in hypnotherapy?
*Why is the first hypnotherapy session 90 minutes?
*How do I know if I should book a 90 minute or 2 hour past life regression or future life progression appointment?
Psychic Readings
The Process…
*Are phone and Skype readings as accurate as in person?
Yes, generally. Visions are part of an internal process that is similar to meditation, therefore close proximity of a subject is unnecessary in order for information to become available. On a rare occasion when someone has been calling on the phone, additional information may later present itself in person. Almost all appointments are booked as phone or Skype sessions. Many clients have only called in by phone over the years, and the work continues to be effective.
In-person sessions are not available.
Schedules vary. Please enquire for more details.
Yes, audio recordings can be a helpful addition to your reading and you can either make your own recording or order one for an additional fee. The file will be emailed to you as an MP3. Video recordings and CDs are not available.
*Should I have any questions prepared?
Yes, the more questions you have the more you are likely to get out of the session. However, you will not be asking any questions at the beginning of the session.
You don’t necessarily need a psychic reading. You can get through life without one. You’ve made it this far!
However, having a reading or a hypnotherapy session gives you a shortcut to your goals. It’s like hiring a personal trainer when you go to the gym: you can figure out the exercises yourself, or you can save some time and hire a personal trainer.
Throughout life, our egos often exhibit attachments to outcomes. Our emotionally driven expectations of desired outcomes can get in the way of seeing the truth. We get confused about reality and sometimes seek guidance. An adept psychic who is detached from your future will have the objectivity necessary to discern the truth about people and circumstances in your life that might be difficult to see when you are emotionally involved. This is why many psychics are unable to read themselves.
*What should I expect from a reading with Kyra?
Kyra will begin by meditating and channeling information about your life before you tell her anything about yourself. Please mention when anything makes sense to you, as it can then quickly be placed in the past or present and will therefore give you more time in your session. If something comes up and doesn’t make sense yet, hold onto it as it is a future probability. For more on what to expect, please CLICK HERE.
If you have ever meditated or daydreamed or even had a brief recollection of a dream you had at night, you may recall what things looked or felt like. It’s similar in a channeling session, only the psychic is intentionally meditating on your behalf.
*Does Kyra do spells or exorcisms?
No. Kyra is a professional spiritual counsellor and certified hypnotherapist.
Beware of scams involving promises to remove curses.
*Should I avail myself of your services if I’m afraid of scary predictions?
Predictions can be helpful for preventing unpleasant situations. The benefits of possibly avoiding a future negative circumstance by far outweigh the discomforts of having to hear an alarming prediction.
For example, a client of Kyra’s was involved in a domestic violence situation. Kyra remote viewed into the kitchen of her client, a place which she had never visited nor heard about, describing accurately the layout, colours, door, and details of the windows. She saw a policeman at the door after a future violent and possibly life-threatening incident. Because Kyra described the home in such meticulous detail, the client took this prediction seriously. As a result, she removed herself and her 5 children from the home. It is now several years later–her client is in a healthy relationship with a new man and she and her children live in a safe home, free from the fears of the past.
*What can I learn from a session?
Some feedback from Kyra’s clients about what they have learned from having ongoing sessions have included:
-How to improve relationships and communicate more effectively,
-Embarking on a more satisfying life path,
-The ability to perceive more choices when free will is an option,
-The ability to see more clearly about what is fated and more quickly embrace acceptance,
-Increased insights, intuition, awareness…
-…and more. Every session is different, so you will find out more about what you can learn as you do the work.
For more feedback about Kyra’s sessions, please check out some of her TESTIMONIALS.
*Why does past and present information come up in a reading?
There could be several reasons. To begin with, these are ways to validate that the session is specifically about you. Additionally, you may be clearing up something from the past or growing beyond a previous pattern. There are many additional possible reasons and each reading is unique, so be sure to ask if you want clarification about anything that comes up.
*How do you know the difference between making a prediction and tapping into someone’s hopes and fears?
If the emotions of a channel are involved or invested in the outcome, the channel will more likely tap into the feelings of the person who is being read. The more objective a reader can be, the more they can open to receiving accurate information about predictions, memories, or loved ones of the person who is being read. This need for neutrality is one of the reasons that a) it’s difficult to read for your own loved ones, as emotions are involved and you may be affected by the outcome yourself and b) it’s best not to socialise too much with clients outside of sessions if you want to continue to read for them, as any outside involvement can compromise the detachment that is necessary in order to provide accurate readings.
These issues only seem to arise with channeling, where nothing is being used to communicate other than the mind and spirit. Hypnotherapy, past life regressions, tarot card readings, astrology, and tea leaf readings are able to be performed for loved ones without an issue, as it’s not necessary to be objective in order to use these tools.
*Does Kyra do readings about the stock market or gambling?
Kyra does not make predictions about specific stocks, lotteries, or gambling. Any predictions about the stock market would focus on subjects such as national or worldwide economic trends, rather than a specific stock value. It is suggested that you ask questions about the future of your financial life, such as upcoming warnings and opportunities. Please consult with a professional, such as a stock broker or financial advisor, regarding stock market decisions.
*Is Kyra able to answer questions after the session?
Sessions are done at specified times when Kyra will be focused and in a state of self-hypnosis in order to give you the best quality reading possible. For this reason and so that energy can be reserved for your sessions, additional questions will not be answered outside of appointment times.
While Kyra does read for couples and it’s okay to sit in on the first half of each others’ session, it is most effective to read one person at a time and sessions will be booked separately. If either of you has a question about your relationship, it is best to answer those questions during the second half of the session and when your partner is out of the room so that you can get the most unbiased answers. If your partner is in the room, the ability to read about the relationship will be limited and may be influenced by the other persons’ presence. The person being read may feel inhibited and perhaps censor themselves if their partner is in the room. So if you prefer to sit in on a partners’ session, it would be recommended only for the first half of the appointment, if at all. Please keep in mind that you may audio record your session, and you are welcome to share the recording with your partner if you feel compelled to do so after your appointment.
*Is it okay to see multiple psychics and ask the same questions?
Yes! Each psychic you see who is able to make a connection with you can potentially offer a different perspective. It’s like putting puzzle pieces together. Each puzzle piece you pick up from every accurate psychic you see will fit together to create a bigger picture and give you more insight. That being said, if you’ve seen another psychic and bring up what they said about certain topics during your session with Kyra, it can interfere with the work and affect the outcome of the reading. You won’t be able to control the outcome of your future by saying what someone else saw and negotiating for what you want to hear. It’s kind of like going from one parent to another and telling Dad what Mom “promised”, then telling Mom what Dad “promised” in order to get what you want.
Client (to Psychic 2 [“Dad”]): But Psychic 1 said I would date the guy I have a crush on!
Psychic 2 (“Dad”): Not seeing it. Tell Psychic 1 I think he’s a player.
Client (to Psychic 1 [“Mom”]): Psychic 1, Psychic 2 thinks the guy I want to date is like an Elizabethan actor in a troupe of players! With all my combined experience in dating actors, don’t you think we’d make a great couple?
Psychic 1 (“Mom”): I still think this guy would crush your heart if you date him.
Client googles ‘Psychics who tell you what you want to hear’ and begins her search for the role of Psychic 3.
*What else should I do to prepare for a reading?
Keep an open mind and have fun!
Booking a Session…
*What is the difference between a “Psychic Tarot Reading” and a “Psychic Reading”?
In a psychic reading, Kyra will be channeling information about your life without the help of any external tools. Psychic tarot readings begin as channeling sessions, but tarot cards can also be added once you have started asking your questions. The price is the same whether or not you choose to have your cards read. You can decide during the session as to whether or not you want tarot cards to be added into the reading and Kyra will help guide you in that decision.
*If I only have one question to ask Kyra, why do I need at least a 60-90 minute session with her?
In Kyra’s experience, 60 minutes is the minimum amount of time needed to create real change. Cards and predictions can be used at a deeper level than just getting answers about fate: they can show us a broader variety of choices and allow us to adopt a changed attitude and behaviour that can ultimately improve the outcomes of our lives.
A question can be answered with the outcome being a certain way in the cards, but that is only based on where things are at today. For example, a client was asking Kyra about which job to take if one was offered: Job A or Job B. Kyra did a tarot spread on each job, then she channeled and said, “I don’t see you taking either of them. I see a third job in social media located in Santa Monica.” Kyra did a third tarot spread, asking the cards, “What will this third future offer be like?” and the tarot reading confirmed that the most positive outcome would be one that the client didn’t yet know about. Two months later, this client got in touch with Kyra and let her know that she was offered a job in Santa Monica doing what she loves, which is working in social media, and has been happy in that position ever since. That was several years ago.
Think back to a year ago in your own life. How about two years? What was the most important thing on your mind? Priorities change with time, and what we think is the most crucial topic today might be trumped by a larger issue next week. Psychic channeling offers you the benefit of a heightened comprehension with which you can anticipate future priorities and opportunities.
You will also have the opportunity to take advantage of some additional services during your one hour session without extra charge, such as guided meditation, self-hypnosis techniques, tea leaf readings, and astrology.
A special note to long-term clients: Your loyalty over the years has been greatly appreciated. Discounts for long-term clients and shorter sessions are no longer available. Please consider taking advantage of packages and weekday rates, when available. Thank you for your continuing support.
*What if I want to extend my session?
Please inform Kyra at any point during the reading if you would like to extend your time. Extensions can be made in increments starting at 30 minutes and up, and can be paid through the website by using a Coupon Code that Kyra will give to you. If another appointment is booked immediately following yours, please hold onto your additional questions until the next session.
*How often can I come in for a psychic reading or hypnotherapy?
If you are a hypnotherapy or life coaching client, you can book sessions as often as once a week. For psychic readings, however, it is not recommended to book more than once a month unless you are also receiving life coaching or hypnotherapy. Having some time between psychic readings has several benefits:
*The passage of time allows you to take actions in your life and create changes, so that when you return there can be new information available to you.
*It’s most productive and economical for you to come back once you have additional questions. Why repeat yourself, have the same answers repeated to you, and pay twice? You might as well just record the session and listen to it again! 🙂 Counselling is a service-oriented profession, and you are not best served by being encouraged to come in more frequently when there is not an opportunity to provide additional help yet.
NOTE: If you’ve have had multiple psychic readings yet feel stuck because nothing seems to be changing in your life, it is recommended that you book a hypnotherapy session to help create some of the transformation that you are seeking. Once you see some changes happening, you can try a psychic reading again. If you are not ready for hypnotherapy, I may suggest life coaching and/or refer you out to other resources so that you can get the most out of life through whatever means are available to you.
How to Make a Payment:
(Psychic Readings or Hypnotherapy)…
*How can I make a payment through Paypal?
Payments are required in advance in order to book a session. When you go to and click on “Rates and Scheduling”, you will be directed to the Paypal login page. From there, you may log in and make the payment.
*What if I prefer to pay by credit card?
You should be prompted to enter credit card information when you are directed to Paypal. Please click on “Rates and Scheduling” and follow the prompts.
*What if I prefer to pay by cash?
Cash is accepted for in person appointments, but a Paypal payment and online reservation through the website is required to hold the session. If you arrive and prefer to pay in cash, your Paypal payment will be refunded upon receipt of cash payment. Please note that 24 hours notice is required to reschedule. Cheques are not currently being accepted.
*How do I pay with my gift certificate?
You can still book online by going to, clicking on “Rates and Scheduling”, and choosing a time and date. Make a note in your reservation that you will be paying with a gift certificate. Log into Paypal to complete the reservation but do not make a payment.
While tips are appreciated, they aren’t expected. The best tip of all (the “Tip that Keeps on Giving”) is a review of my work.
Current rates will be posted when you click on the “Rates & Scheduling” button.
Technical Troubleshooting:
*I’m trying to book a session but the “Rates and Scheduling” button is freezing and/or I’m getting the “spinning wheel”. What can I do?
1) Try turning off your mobile phone, wait at least 30 seconds, then turn it on again. If you are on a laptop/desktop, restart the computer.
2) If you’re booking on a mobile phone sometimes it will be harder to connect. Try going to on a laptop/desktop/iPad. If you’re still getting the “wheel” or feel like you have a slow connection, on desktops and some laptops you try hardwiring to the modem for a stronger connection.
3) If you are on a laptop/desktop and the “Rates and Scheduling” button is still freezing, please try another browser like Google Chrome or Firefox if you are on Safari or Explorer.
Phone calls will not be returned and are reserved for scheduled appointments only. Texting is not available. Instead, please use the contact form on this website if your questions are not addressed on this FAQS page or elsewhere on this website.
The Process…
*Will one session fix my problem?
In some cases, one session is enough. For a behavioural issue, 1-3 sessions is common, but everyone is different. The percentage of improvement depends upon the frequency and severity of an issue. For a deeper issue, more sessions may be necessary. 3 sessions are recommended for weight loss or smoking cessation.
*Can I work on multiple issues within one session?
It is recommended to work on one issue per session. If there is more than one issue and they are connected (i.e. self-esteem and relationship improvement), then they can both be worked on in one session as the origin could possibly be a similar underlying issue.
Yes, recordings are encouraged. If you are unable to record the session yourself, you can order a recording for an additional fee and the file will be emailed to you.
*I am interested in a past life regression. Do I have to believe in past lives in order for it to work?
No, you do not have to believe in past lives in order for a past life regression to work. No matter what your beliefs are, it is a form of therapy and a way of discovering underlying issues that your unconscious mind is ready to work on.
*Do you offer a past life regression combined with hypnotherapy in one session?
Every past life regression with Kyra includes hypnotherapy. Your mind will naturally encounter lifetimes which relate to current issues and/or relationships. Once these themes become apparent during a regression, Kyra will incorporate hypnotherapy suggestions and exercises into the session to help you release past problems and embrace a brighter future.
*Why and how does hypnosis work?
This will be explained to you during the session and can also be seen in Kyra’s interview with Mystic U’s Online University. To view this interview, please CLICK HERE.
*What should I do to prepare for a session?
You have already done enough by having a willingness to grow and change.
*I want to have a hypnotherapy session to help me work toward my goals, but I’m not clear yet on what my specific goals are. Would you recommend starting with a hypnotherapy session or psychic reading?
It would be helpful to start with a psychic reading. That way we can see what comes up in channeling in the beginning, before you have mentioned the different career paths you are thinking about. The channeling can offer you a different perspective on your choices, and can show the most likely outcome so you don’t have to spend as much time trying things you don’t end up wanting to do. This is the predictive phase of the reading. Keep in mind some people choose more than one career in a lifetime, so it is possible that more than one path will show up in channeling. However, you can ask timing questions like “When would I choose that path? For how long would I likely take that path?” and personal interest questions such as “Would that path be lucrative? Would I be satisfied with that path? Would that career be in my highest interest?” The session becomes more interactive when questions and cards are incorporated into the reading after initial channeling, which would be an excellent time for you to ask questions that help you define your specific goals. You don’t have to figure out all the details, but it helps to have a clear direction in mind when you begin hypnotherapy.
Booking a Session…
*How can I let Kyra know about the issues I would like to work on in hypnotherapy?
By sending a note to Kyra in advance about what you would like to work on, you will have more time to be in a state of hypnotherapy, and therefore creating change in your life, during your session. For hypnotherapy sessions only, please make a note of the issue you are concerned about when you book your session or via the CONTACT form on this website.
*Why is the first hypnotherapy session 90 minutes?
The first session includes an assessment of your suggestibility so that the most effective hypnotherapy techniques can be employed in this and any future sessions. Additionally, an explanation of how and why hypnotherapy works and how it will improve your specific issue will be provided during the approximately 30 minute initial evaluation. The remainder of the appointment will be a hypnotherapy session. Future sessions (with the exception of smoking cessation, past life regressions, and future life progressions) can be booked as 60 minute appointments.
*How do I know if I should book a 90 minute or 2-hour past life regression or future life progression appointment?
If you would like to visit more lifetimes in which you may have lived, book a longer session. If you are not sure if you want to visit additional lifetimes and you have already had an initial hypnotherapy session with Kyra, book a 90 minute session and you can extend if there is not an appointment booked immediately after yours.
If you have a question you would like to suggest for our FAQ page, please send an email to our CONTACT page.
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