Psychic Dream Journal: The Fall of Trump

Home » Psychic Predictions » Psychic Dream Journal: The Fall of Trump

A Psychic Dream

Plane takeoff and crash landing features the far fall of a leader who fell asleep in the cockpit during takeoff, symbolising a loss of power that falls as soon as it starts. Much more will be revealed before and by January regarding proof of illegal business dealings involved in the US presidential elections.

In this dream, a takeoff and crash landing features the fall of a leader who fell asleep in the cockpit during takeoff, symbolising a loss of power that rises fast but falls just after it’s taken off. Much more will be revealed before January’s Inauguration regarding proof of illegal business dealings that influenced and disrupted US presidential elections.

I had a psychic dream a couple of nights ago about being on a plane on my birthday. The plane starts to take off and quickly goes high into the air, but suddenly drops and falls in slow motion. It feels like it takes a long time to crash, but we finally hit the ground and are safe.

In the aftermath, the survivors (which is all of us) are taken to a nice hotel where we are told the pilot fell asleep in the cockpit during takeoff. He was later removed from his duties. Some are angry that they could have been hurt. Others seek medical help because  their middle finger was damaged from “giving the finger to” the pilot. We all wonder why he was ever allowed to fly.

The pilot was Trump.

Literal or Symbolic?

This dream is symbolic in some ways, but it can also qualify as a premonition. The difference between precognitive and other dreams will be discussed in a future blog post about how to identify and interpret a psychic dream.

One aspect that might not make sense at first glance: why did it take place on my birthday? I was born during the Nixon Watergate scandal, and I have mentioned before that there would be an upcoming election revelation that will be compared to Watergate. Soon, newspaper headlines will be saying this election scandal “Trumps Watergate”.

Submit Your Own Psychic Dream

Have you been having any precognitive dreams about what’s coming up next in American or global politics? Please share your own psychic dream in the comments section below, or on Twitter @kyraoser

If your psychic dream comes true, it may be retweeted or shared on the air during America’s Love Channnel’s Psychic News Network segment, live on KKNW Seattle 1150 am and online worldwide. Thanks for your comments!

Coming Soon: 2017 Predictions


  1. Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.

  2. Patricia Lough on December 19, 2016 at 6:01 pm said:

    I had a flash visualization that seemed really odd.
    I saw someone else standing in for Trump in taking the oath of office.
    I wondered if it was because he’s afraid of being assasinated.

  3. Hi Kyra,

    I had a dream sometime last week about Pence:

    I found myself in a swamp that was a part of my back yard, and for some reason, partially in the state of Florida. I had been visiting a friend in this dream, whom will actually be moving to Florida in April. While in this swamp, I found a ‘flying walkman’ that was buzzing around like a drone. I grabbed onto the ‘Walkman drone’ and it lifted me up into he air. I found myself in the seconds after being lifted too high off the ground, so I let go and dropped gently onto the soft ground beneath me. Next thing I know, Vice President elect, Pence is standing near me. I strike up a conversation and ask him where he is going. I then follow him a ways to a Whole Foods grocery store, where we come up to a board room with two large doors. He enters the doors and closes them behind him. I get the sense that he was going into a secret meeting that no one was supposed to know about.

  4. Nathan Fleischman on December 10, 2016 at 7:49 pm said:

    That is just when the final legal actions against those involved in the Watergate scandal were taking place after Nixon’s resignation.

  5. 11/30/74. If you’d like to share your birthday, we can give you an astrology reading on our radio show. Just send your birthday, time of birth, city of birth, and a question here or on Twitter @kyraoser

  6. Nathan Fleischman on December 10, 2016 at 10:53 am said:

    When is your birthday?

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