Life and Afterlife Coaching: The Pursuit of Happiness

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On our previous episode of Zodiac Divas, we had a discussion with our callers about whether a man or a woman should be the one to pursue a relationship. We started as hunter/gatherers and men have traditionally been expected to hunt and pursue, even in the realm of romance. However, with women increasingly becoming breadwinners and heads of households, will they also eventually become hunters in the dating field?

Cave painting depicting hunters in Lascaux, France
When it comes to who should pursue, perhaps the answer to that is subjective and depends upon the couple. Everyone is unique, and there’s no one rule that applies to an entire gender. Some men would prefer their partner to be a little dominant and make most of the decisions. The notion of gender is being redefined in contemporary society, which means that many of the old rules based on preconceived notions about masculinity and femininity just don’t apply anymore. 

If you’re a woman who’s not comfortable pursuing, it’s still okay to approach a conversation with someone without having any expectations of where it’s headed. A recommended book on this topic would be What French Women Know: About Love, Sex, and Other Matters of the Heart and Mind by Debra Ollivier, which explores the way that French culture allows for more subtle nuances in romance, without the need for a set of rules or a guidebook to love. No two love stories are exactly the same, and we wish you great luck in finding the love, or loves, of your life, no matter who may choose to pursue it first.

Source: Kyra Oser Blog Feed

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