Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Remote Viewing for Missing Persons, Lost Objects and Long-Distance Relationships”
“In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged.”
-Hans Nouwens
What are some of the benefits of a long-distance relationship? Distance can be a way to test the strength of your bond and to further assess your mutual suitability. If your relationship can overcome the limitations of space and time, perhaps that is a sign of true love. If you’re going to try a long-distance relationship (either as a hobby or a full-time profession), some guidelines for making it work are the three C’s: communication, commitment and clarity. A relationship with someone who is not able to be as physically present is an excellent way to quickly discover your intellectual and communicative commonalities because remote relationships tend to rely more heavily on conversation and correspondence. If your relationship is both physically and emotionally distant, you might want to get closer to your partner with the help of Remote Viewing, or the extended version of this exercise, Remote Sensing. It’s most ethical to ask someone’s permission before doing this exercise. However, if they are unavailable in the first place, how are you supposed to ask them? You can ask their subconscious mind while you are in a state of hypnosis. The truth is that if someone doesn’t want to be seen or to have you read their thoughts, they will have psychic armour that will prevent you from remotely viewing or remotely sensing them. In fact, if you are having difficulty with a remote sensing or remote viewing session, it could be because that person is not open to being seen at the time.
This can also be helpful for finding missing persons and lost objects (not just missing lovers!) Ask to be led to the place of the person you are concerned about. If you can, gain access to their subconscious mind and ask permission to see where they’re at today.
If you ask yourself the following questions and there is no response, simply accept that. It is not helpful to shift from receiving information into imagining it. Not having an answer at all is preferable to fabricating one. It’s okay if you only have one sense working at a time; in fact, that is common. It is enough if you only sense this person’s environment visually, auditorially or kinesthetically. Sometimes other senses, such as gustatory or olfactory, will get involved. In the beginning part of this exercise, do not try to locate the person you are seeking to find. Focus on grounding yourself with a discovery of the objects and environment that surround this person.
It helps to have a friend ask you the following questions and lead you through the process the first time you try it. It can be fun to switch and then lead your friend as they go through the exercise after you. However, if you are not working on this with a friend, you can perform self-hypnosis. Ask to be shown what you’re meant to see, for the highest good of everyone concerned.
You can enter a state of trance by listening to a hypnosis CD, or simply put yourself into a deeper state of relaxation by breathing slowly, and as you do, think to yourself, “I am breathing in, I am breathing out.” Imagine walking down a flight of twenty stairs, getting more relaxed with every step you take. There are handrails that you hold onto as you descend the staircase. Ask to be led to the person you are seeking as you walk closer to the destination. At the bottom of the stairs, you will have arrived closer to the person you wish to find.
(Finding Lost Objects and Environmental Sensing)
-Are you seeing any colours, or shades of grey?
-If there are colours, notice which ones. Ask them if they would form shapes.
-Are you indoors or outdoors?
-Is it night or day? If you’re not sure, don’t force yourself to decide. Move onto the next question instead. Decisions are in another part of your brain. We want to stay in the receptive part of your brain for this exercise.
-How many floors are in the building?
-How many doors?
-How many windows?
-Is it night or day?
-Is this area urban, suburban, or rural?
-Which shapes do you see?
-Are there any buildings nearby? If so, zoom in on one building at a time. Go inside one if you feel compelled. Follow your feelings and the sensations in your body.
-Zooming is very important. There could be over 400 million things that we have to choose from to take in with our senses at any given time, and our minds can usually only handle about 7 pieces of information before becoming overloaded. Think of your inner vision as a videocamera with zooming capabilities. Zoom in on one object at a time.
“I’m only getting one sense at a time.” If you are feeling overwhelmed, that’s a good sign. It means that you are making consistent effort. It’s often helpful to focus on one sense at a time, then let it go. If the other four senses are diminishing, elevate the fifth sense to keep you grounded in the remote space. It’s very challenging to work with more than one sense at a time, and often unnecessary for the purposes of obtaining information.
“Everything looks flat, like a painting,” or “The images are still and not moving, like photographs.”: Ask for the flat shapes to be represented in three dimensions. Control this by placing your hands in front of you with your eyes closed and feel around the shape of the object. This must be done in an empty space around your own physical body, without actually touching anything. It should look to your friend as if you’re miming the act of holding or reaching for objects. Do this with your own physical hands, even though you will be operating in two spaces at once: your own body and in the remotely viewed destination.
“I’m zooming in on an object but it looks blurry,” or “I can’t see it“: Reach out your hand in space and feel the object instead. Is it soft or hard? How big is it? How heavy is it? What is its temperature? What emotional feeling do you get when you hold the object?
“I don’t see anything but lines.” That’s a good starting point. Are the lines horizontal, vertical or diagonal? Is it a single line, or are they double, triple or multiple? Then watch the line(s) move, if they will. Is each line tall, wide, long, or big?
“I’m reaching out, but I can’t feel any physical objects.” While you are under hypnosis, imagine your body suspended in air, then suddenly being propelled forward. What is the first thing you hit? Is it solid, liquid or gaseous? If the answer is “nothing”, go to the next troubleshooting tip:
“I can’t see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. I’m just in a dark space.” Can you remember the sounds you heard when you first woke up this morning? If so, recall those. Then imagine (you don’t have to visualise, it’s okay to just imagine) a map of where you are now. For instance, if you live in Buenos Aires, imagine a map of Argentina with Buenos Aires written on it. Then “spin the globe” and see where it stops. Whatever city you FIRST see when the globe stops spinning is the one you are meant to concentrate on. Zoom in on that city, and listen for sounds. You may hear cars, animals, or planes. Zoom in closer on the map until you imagine just a map of that city. Ask to hear the voices of people who are connected to the missing person you are seeking.
The more you practise recalling sounds from your own life, the better you will become at doing the auditory part of this exercise.
“I’m getting an idea of the building I’m in, but I don’t know what part of the world I’m in.“: Zoom out for a Google Maps effect to see what city or town you are in. Ask for a name of the place to be formed on the map. Then zoom back in for…
(Locating Missing Persons)
An advanced part of this exercise is the observation of living things. We have covered inanimate objects, but what about living beings? There are two categories of Animate Sensing: Soul Sensing (objective) and Empathic Sensing (subjective). Empathic Sensing is the most advanced, and is also an excellent resource for actors who want to play the role of an historical character. However, Empathic Sensing for Actors is most effective when combined with Empathic Regression in order to establish a more cohesive character portrayal. Please look for upcoming Spirit of the Times articles on Empathic Regressions to learn more about this topic.
SOUL SENSING: Soul Sensing is an objective way of observing people, plants, and animals. You watch or listen to them like a movie. If you’re more kinesthetically than visually or auditorially oriented, you may sense them through the way it feels to be around them, both physically and emotionally. Ask yourself (or have your friend ask you) these questions, and any others that occur to you:
-How does it feel to be around this person?
-What are they wearing?
-What are they doing? If you can’t see them, what do you think they’re doing? The first thing that comes to mind?
-Is anyone else there with them?
-Are they speaking to anyone, and if so, what are they saying?
EMPATHIC SENSING: “Empathic” and “remote” might sound like contradictory words, and in a sense, they are. If you are seeing through someone’s eyes or relating to their experience through any one of the senses, you are no longer remote from them. Conversely, your own body remains at a physical distance at the very same time. It’s a beautiful paradox.
Sometimes Soul Sensing doesn’t give us enough information. If you think it would be helpful, you might want to try to see out of their eyes, hear with their ears and feel their feelings to better understand their motivations and experience. This is especially helpful if you are working on a Missing Persons case and want to gather more specific clues as to the whereabouts of this person. Remember that someone will only give you subconscious permission to do this if they want you to. If you are unable to empathically remote sense through this person, it’s possible that they are blocking you by withholding permission.
If you do gain access to this individual’s inner experience, ask yourself (or have your friend ask you) questions like these from the point of view of the person whose body you’ve entered:
-What am I feeling (such as shock, anger, elation, sadness, pleasure)?
-What do I want right now?
-What are my plans for the next few days?
-What do I want to accomplish in life?
-Do I have any regrets?
-What am I learning from my present experience?
-Who do I feel is important in my life?
Then walk around in this person’s body and interact with other people. Listen to the conversations. When you are ready, have your friend count (or count in your own mind) from 0-5 and give yourself the suggestion to open your eyes, perhaps stretch and yawn, and come to a waking state, feeling refreshed and energised.
If you still have energy available after the remote sensing session, try some automatic writing to continue to pick up information surrounding the remote location. This should be free writing with no editing involved. Continue writing until you don’t feel it in your gut or your heart anymore.
-DO NOT SPECULATE CONTENT or try to analyse what is coming through. Stay focused on structure. Be an objective observer. Try not to judge what you are seeing, hearing or feeling.
-DIMINISH OR REMOVE EXPECTATIONS. Have faith that you have been brought to the right space to be given the information you are supposed to know. There is no right or wrong place to end up in, only more information that you will be given. Keep in mind that you are limited in how much you can control the outcome of the experience.
-EAT AND REST. A lack of sleep or nourishment will compromise your concentration, and being present is essential for Remote Sensing effectiveness.
-TAKE BREAKS during moments of confusion. Confusion or exhaustion may be a sign you have been overloaded with information. This would be an opportune time to process what you have already picked up on and restart the exercise either later in the session or on another day.
For a sample of Inanimate Sensing and Empathic Sensing Exercises, you can hear me guide Astrologer Solaris through the process on the podcast of last night’s episode of the Zodiac Girls, ‘In Love/ Out of Bounds’, available on CBS Radio, iTunes, at, or
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