Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Living in Denial and Loving It!”

Home » Psychic Life Coaching » Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Living in Denial and Loving It!”

This is a summary of a recent ‘Zodiac Girls’ episode about living in love denial…


7 of Cups: Illusion is present in a relationship.

2 of Swords Reversed: If you are the querent in the reading and you are using the Significator that represents you, you may still be in denial about part of a situation. It might not be the most opportune time to make a decision until you are ready to come into more awareness. If near the 7 of Cups or The Moon, this situation would be in regards to a relationship.

8 of Swords: The literal image in the Rider Waite deck is of a blindfold on a woman, surrounded by swords. The 8 of Swords asks you to reevaluate your situation from a new perspective. If this is near a card with cups, it could be a good time to consider whether or not you are satisfied with your current relationship, or if you feel like it’s worth salvaging. This card asks you to try a tactic that you haven’t attempted before.

The Moon: Illusion. Things are not as they appear.

Past Lives and Breaking the Pattern of Denial

Are past lives capable of unearthing a stronger connection with reality and a departure from fantasy in our relationships? Try a past life regression, which often gives you a greater awareness of your soul’s path.

This usually uncovers hundreds or even thousands of years of denial, especially if you lived in ancient Egypt! (Drum roll, please. [imagined applause]) Thank you! I live in the fantasy that someone’s actually reading this…”

To listen to more of this episode on CBS Radio, please check out our podcast of ‘LaLa Land, Here I Come!’ from 08/21/12:

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