Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Dreams of Love”

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Manufacturer’s Warning: I am writing this article to you in a semi-hypnotic state. Do not attempt to read this while driving or operating heavy machinery.


Before you go to sleep, say or think “Dreams, please guide me to my soulmate”. Keep a dream journal. Let go of the results. Let go of expectations about who your soulmate should be, or when he or she (or they) should be in your life. Let it happen in the time of the Universe, not on your own schedule. But watch for clues, which can be comforting along the way. Symbols come in waking life and in the vision of daydreams, not just in dreams of sleep.


If you’re already falling in love and feel comfortable enough with your partner to start dreaming together, plan to meet him or her at a certain place while you are sleeping, maybe at the Taj Mahal or the Tower of London (if you have a dark side). This is particularly helpful if you are in a long-distance relationship. Go to sleep at the same time. Pretend like you absolutely expect it to happen. Even acting as if you believe in it will make it more likely that you will have a stronger connection with the soul in your dreams. This is a shared dream that could also transform into astral travel experiences someday.


We experience three basic stages of dreaming. Recognising them can help us to differentiate psychic dreams from other stages.

1) Early stage: Processing (Wishful Thinking Stage) In the beginning stages of sleep, the mind attempts to sort and store the thoughts of the day.

2) Middle stage (or middle and later if you get woken up too early!): Predictive (Precognitive Stage) As you enter a deeper, sometimes somnambulistic, state of unconsciousness, the mind attempts to predict the events of the future.

3) Late Stage: Venting (Venting Stage) the mind’s attempt to vent, or release, the overload of message units throughout the day. A mental and emotional clearing which can be used as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool.


Predictive dreams tend to be realistic, lacking fantasy elements. It feels more like a memory than a dream. You may experience heightened reality through some or all of the senses, much like in real life. In fact , there won’t be much difference between a precognitive dream and your experience of reality except that you happen to be sleeping at the time.


How do you know if a visit from a current or ex-lover is a fantasy, or if their soul is truly calling out to you?

It is more likely a genuine form of immediate communication if it truly feels the same to be with them in your dream as it has been in real life. Some relationships that cannot sustain themselves in the physical world continue in the dream life, and this can be true with visitations from those who have crossed over as well. A shared dream can feel as believable as what you once had on Earth, at least for the duration of the dream. That is, unless the dream becomes lucid.


It has been said that if you are able to control your dreams, you can have greater control over your life. If you have ever been hypnotised, you may have noticed that once we are in a hypersugggestible state, great change is possible. Lucid dreaming is an opportunity to create change on a deep level within your subconscious mind.

  1. Keep a dream journal with both words and illustrations.
  2. Make reality checks throughout the day. Ask yourself, “Am I dreaming?”
  3. Eat cheese before bed to increase your dream intensity.
  4. If you do become consciously aware during a dream, ask the dream to help you become more easily lucid in the future.
  5. Daydream.
  6. Practice out-of-body experiences.
  7. Count backwards from 100 as you fall asleep: “100. I’m dreaming. 99. I’m dreaming. 98. I’m dreaming…” Notice what happens…
  8. Take afternoon naps when you feel tired, especially after meals.
  9. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night (or more if needed).
  10. Practice your next lucid dream in advance…how you will become lucid, what it will feel and look like, and the first thing you’ll do when you become conscious in your dream.
  11. Intensify your visualization skills by laying in bed with your eyes closed and remembering the room in vivid detail. Try doing this outdoors and seeing nature scenes with your eyes closed. Then open your eyes and compare the reality with what you had just remembered.

Also, look for future articles on how to hypnotise yourself during a lucid dream!


Here is a list of Jungian Archetypes, which Carl Jung intended for use in self-analysis:

The Persona is the image you present to others in your waking life. It is your public mask.

The Shadow represents the rejected and repressed aspects of yourself that you are working out through relationships.

Child is your true self in its purest form. It not only symbolizes your innocence and vulnerability in relationships, but it represents your idealisation and aspirations. Sometimes this figure is represented by a baby or young child.

Anima & Animus are the female and male aspects of yourself. Everyone possesses both feminine and masculine qualities, and sometimes we look for love with someone who balances what we are lacking, or for another balanced person who complements us. In dreams, the anima appears as a highly feminised figure, while the animus appears as a hyper masculine form. You may dream that you are dressed in women’s clothing if you are male, or that you grow a beard, if you are female. If there are details in the dream from another time period, it’s possible that these are past life memories. However, past lives remembered through the dream state can simultaneously include archetypes related to your present life.

The Wise Old Man /Woman is the teacher, father, doctor, priest, therapist, or other authority figure offering guidance and words of wisdom to help guide you in relationships through dream communication.

The Great Mother often appears in your dreams as your own mother, grandmother, or other nurturing figure. She provides you with positive reassurance and unconditional love. If she appears in a frightening form such as an angry witch, she may represent relationship change and the destructive aspects of the Goddess that are clearing your path in preparation for rebirth and regeneration.

Trickster asks you to stop taking yourself too seriously in relationships both with others and yourself. The trickster may appear in your dream when you have been judgmental toward or unreasonable with a partner. Bring more humour and fun into interactions with the people you love when Trickster appears.
Sweet dreams!

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