Life and Afterlife Coaching: "Discover Your Dharma" with Actress Tippi Hedren

Home » Psychic Life Coaching » Life and Afterlife Coaching: "Discover Your Dharma" with Actress Tippi Hedren

On our most recent episode of Zodiac Divas, we had the good fortune of talking to legendary actress Tippi Hedren about her Shambala Preserve. Tippi advocates for legislation to protect exotic animals, as well as providing a sanctuary for those who have been neglected. Tippi has used her compassionate nature to help those who would otherwise not have a voice to speak on behalf of their own interests. 

To advocate for others and provide a service to the community is a wonderful way of aligning yourself with your destiny, or dharma. If you are looking for a way to discover your own dharma, try some of the following tips as a way to get started:

1) Start small. Big plans tend to overwhelm us and sometimes we get stuck due to having too many options. Take it one step at a time, one day at a time, and your plans will eventually evolve into something bigger.
2) Be content to volunteer for an already existing organisation to learn more about how something is run before starting your own. For more information on how to start an organisation or business, contact Score
3) Choose a cause based on your instinctive feelings. If you’re excited about it, you’ve probably found the right cause and you’ll be more likely to continue to work on it for many years to come.

Source: Kyra Oser Blog Feed

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