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Est. 2010
June Primary Predictions 2016
June Primary predictions 2016 brings a close to the Presidential primaries and caucuses, but expect more updates soon on contested conventions and other developments in this year’s presidential elections.

Sanders will still be moving forward with wins in June, and while Clinton will receive the nomination, this contest will indeed continue through the National Convention in July, as Sanders has promised.
North Dakota
South Dakota
Sanders/Clinton in a virtual tie. Sanders
Sanders does better than expected. Clinton
New Jersey
New Mexico
District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.)
Overwhelmingly for Clinton
More from May Primary Predictions 2016
Update on Nebraska
“Where Did Ted Go Wrong?”
This is what many media pundits will be asking on Wednesday, and “Where Did Ted Go Wrong?” will be a major news headline the morning after Cruz’s game-changing loss in Indiana.
More on Trump’s Running Mate

Trump gives another victory speech, and the doubts that will soon be cast upon Cruz’s campaign with a loss in IN will bring a dawning realisation that Trump will be winning most of the states
Trump will be hoping to hire a recognisable, high-ranking Latin-American female politician from a swing state. He isn’t going to be able to get all of these criteria fulfilled (if he couldn’t get a female as his running mate, his second choice would have been a conservative Latin-American politician from a swing state; Trump’s third choice would have been a politician with a well-known name from a swing state).
Recap: Clinton’s Running Mate
As predicted by PNN in January, Julian Castro will be Hillary Clinton’s choice for running mate.
Trump Endorsements
Jesse Ventura will give a very informal, non-committal endorsement by mentioning his admiration for Trump in an upcoming interview. Equally an admirer of Bernie, Ventura has been waiting to see how Sanders and Trump would do in the primaries before attempting to join one campaign or the other, with the hope of being invited to join someone’s future cabinet. While Jesse still hasn’t dropped his plans to run as a third party candidate, he didn’t anticipate that Sanders would contest the convention. Ventura is not the only known name who has been planning to run as a third party candidate in November’s general elections. More on third parties soon…and back to Trump’s endorsement strategies:
Several other celebrities-turned-politicians will back Donald this week and next. In fact, Trump will be asking for and receiving more endorsements from politicians who are perceived as 1) physically strong and 2) celebrities with a background in TV and/or film (so, yes, Trump was disappointed when Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Kasich). This process is a clever marketing tactic designed to appeal to mainstream Americans who identify their country (and, by extension, themselves) as being synonymous with:
1) physical strength (i.e. a large military),
2) nationalism (i.e. US imperialism in the Middle East), and
3) celebrity culture (ie no explanation needed).
Hence the appeal of Trump, a celebrity who portrays the US as “superior”. While he may not have the physical brawn component, his endorsements from famous wrestlers and bodybuilders will help him to be unconsciously perceived as “strong” and “powerful”–plus he portrays himself as being a tough and capable businessman.
Riots at National Conventions in July
In a blog post from August 13, 2015, Psychic News Network predicted historic riots that would be planned for July 14, 2016, but delayed until July 18, 2016. I wasn’t aware at the time that the first day of the Republican National Convention would be scheduled for July 18, 2016. So, yes…there will be chaos at the Republican convention (including riots from two separate factions)…but more predictions on the details of what happens will have to wait for another post!
World News
Next UN Secretary-General: Irina Morkova
It looks like Irina Morkova will be chosen as successor to Ban Ki-Moon in 2017, and will be warmly welcomed by many world leaders. Morkova becomes the first female Secretary-General to the UN just a few weeks before Hillary Clinton takes her oath as first female President of the United States.
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Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!
Trump will win by a land slide over the Clinton criminals. The majority of the consciousness of the country will not fall into being sucker punched again by the manipulation and corruption that Hillary & Bill demonstrate. “Trump will prevail as sure as the light & Sound of god sustain all life!”
The Republican Party appears to be losing support. Some people have already switched parties.
Is it possible you could post a blog regarding the fact that Trump has now become the Republican nominee?
Trump is the only GOP candidate left.
What do you think will happen now that Cruz has dropped out?
When riots broke out at the DNC in 1968, Nixon, a Republican, won the election. Do you think something similar will happen?
I was not expecting the June predictions today.
Did you predict a contested convention in an earlier post?