June Horoscope 2017: Monthly Forecast

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June Horoscope 2017: Monthly Forecast

Psychic Medium, Astrologer & Hypnotherapist Kyra Oser

Find your June Horoscope for 2017 by looking up your Sun sign below. You can also read the June horoscope for your Ascendant sign if you know what time you were born. If you don’t know what time you were born but do know the rest of your chart, you can read the sign associated with Venus to learn more about your love life in June. For instance, if you have Sun in Libra and Venus in Taurus, you can read the horoscope for both Libra and Taurus to find out more about your love life.

If you’re wondering why some signs have more of a description than others, it’s often because there happens to be more activity around certain signs and their ruling planets during that particular month. If there’s not a lot of information about your sign this month, there will be in another month ahead. But for now…sometimes no news is good news!

Please keep in mind that a more specific June horoscope reading would also reflect the signs and houses in other planets from your natal chart. If you want a little more of your overall chart to be looked at (especially if you have a question about love!), you can call America’s Love Channel on Free Reading Fridays (please scroll to the bottom of this post for more details).

Happy June!

June Horoscope 2017

Aries (MAR 21-APR 19) 

Jupiter continues to move through your seventh house of love until November, making the next five months a favourable time for starting or moving forward with a partnership or creative project. In June and throughout the rest of the summer, you could also be emotionally or even legally resolving matters from a previous relationship and coming to a time of more peace and harmony with those you’ve loved in the past.

The June 9th Full Moon in fellow fire sign Sagittarius presents an opportunity for you to bring new meaning, or even more meaning, into your career. With Venus conjunct Uranus in Aries June 2nd-3rd, you might find yourself collaborating on an unusual project or involved in a quirky romance. There will be a fun, innocent, and brilliant element to this romantic or artistic connection that probably started out with you meeting this person or one of these people through a social, spiritual, or professional group. Overall, this is a year of establishing strong partnerships for you, and June is no exception.

Taurus (APR 20-MAY 20)

Venus loves you this month, which means you will very likely feel confident about your love life. As the love planet moves through Taurus from June 6th – July 4th, you’ll notice that others are magnetically, even hypnotically drawn to you now. You may also feel more connected to your senses and to nature during this time. You’ll also be focused on health improvement, and will likely notice others around you having a heightened health awareness from now through October.

Mercury is in Taurus until June 6th, which could mean you’ll probably be coming up with some profitable business ideas during this time. You’ll also find yourself wanting to communicate and learn more, playing the roles of both teacher and student, once Mercury moves into your communications sector on June 21st. Overall, your June horoscope seems to indicate that a lot of people love what you have to say, like how you’re saying it, and love a lot about who you are.

Gemini (MAY 21-JUN 20)

With the Sun in Gemini until June 21st and Mars in Gemini through June 4th, you’ll have a powerful, intense start to your birthday month that becomes more lighthearted and whimsical as June goes on and July begins. The source of that power is primarily in your ability to communicate facts and ideas in a memorable, witty way.

This a month of creative inspiration and feeling the power of your imagination and the influence it has upon others. The New Moon in Cancer on June 23rd will help you become more focused on money matters. Perhaps you will work on a monthly budget, or decide to allocate additional savings toward a cherished domestic dream, such as a vegetable garden, home improvements, or a future vacation home. The main theme of your June horoscope is a joyful expression of what it means to have fun, reminding and inspiring others others to do the same along the way.

Cancer (JUN 21-JUL 22)

June could be a more exciting month for you than the previous months of 2017, with a lot of providential Cancerian activity. You may feel you’ve had to settle for being in the background lately, but when Mars enters Cancer on June 4th, you’ll be feeling more assertive, decisive, and acknowledged. A New Moon in Cancer conjunct your Sun sign on June 23rd means you’ll likely hit a stroke of luck in home matters or parenting (and that includes pets!), at the same time as feeling increasingly relaxed and emotionally renewed.

If there’s been an intense feeling of being “stuck” lately, know that around June 23rd you’ll have a fresh start, and even a bit more than a sliver of hope that seems to come out of nowhere but shows up in signs if you’re open to seeing them. When the Sun and Mercury enter Cancer on June 20th, it will be a powerful time for communicating and persuading when it comes to matters of the heart and home, whether it’s with your family or a cherished partner. Mercury in Cancer adds clarity to the renewed strength of a New Moon in Cancer, making the final week of June a powerful time when you’ll that feel that nearly nothing is impossible.

Leo (JUL 23-AUG 22)

A Full Moon on June 9th in the similarly fiery sign of Sagittarius can help expand any creative aspects in your career. When the Moon enters Leo June 25th, you may notice yourself feeling emotionally uplifted about the things that make you happy and the people you love so dearly. June 25th is a positive romantic day for you. While you might feel temporarily weighed down by additional responsibilities June 14th-15th, Mercury in Gemini from June 6th-20th will bring you many positive networking opportunities that ultimately overshadow any short-term work obligations.

An increased gratitude of life awaits you this month. Those with strong Leonine or fifth house aspects to their charts will often have an ability in teaching, public speaking, hosting, or performing. This month and all summer would be an excellent time to plan a future podcast, show, or class you’d like to teach. Start dreaming, try believing, and get ready to keep achieving.

Virgo (AUG 23-SEP 22)

The Moon enters Virgo June 28th, allowing for you to make a small yet important progress in your health and/or to receive positive benefits for your service to the community. June 5th is a particularly productive time to focus on finance, and you’ll find opportunities to make new business connections from June 21st on. Anything involving networking, publishing, learning, teaching, or research will be beneficial for your career in June.

This is mostly a business, finance, and family-oriented month for you, but there will be a romantic period around June 6th when Venus is in harmony with Virgo. After June 21st, your June horoscope brings a positive time for reconnecting with friends or attending a cultural, philosophical, or spiritual class or lecture.

Libra (SEP 23-OCT 22)

When Jupiter turns direct in Libra June 9th, you’ll feel compelled to seek out higher learning and future travel opportunities. You may notice yourself becoming more connected to your innate wisdom, particularly when it involves insights into relationships. Your electrical optimism will seemingly know no bounds starting on June 9th. Additional professional opportunities begin to become noticeable after June 21st.

The June horoscope for Libra in 2017 is heavily relationship-oriented, which is a comfortable and happy place for Librans to be. Venus in Taurus from June 6th – July 4th will bring harmony and balance to your love relationships, as well as reconnecting you to a love of the beauty in nature. If you’ve been thinking about starting a garden or bringing more plants into your home, June-July would be a wonderful time to decorate your space with the natural things of life, perhaps providing inspiration for further meditation.

Scorpio (OCT 23-NOV 21)

The Moon enters Scorpio June 5th, opening your month with a burst of energy and excitement. After the 6th, you’ll be appreciative of the joyful aspects of your love life, or the potential of a developing romance. You’ve already been through a process of distancing yourself from toxic connections that no longer serve you, and setting boundaries to reestablish how much you want each of these people to be a part of your life. Perhaps this transition occurred because some of the people in your life changed, you changed, or both. Regardless of the reasons for this change, you may sense that the forces of life are paving your spiritual path for a new and improved relationship journey.

And this is true, as June will be a month of new connections, ambitions, and information for Scorpios. Try not to get discouraged by Neptune’s retrograde on June 16th, as it might slow down the momentum of any new project or relationship you’re just beginning. This retrograde will be balanced out and your patience will be rewarded with a new burst of energy and inspiration again in August, when you’ll have the opportunity to pick up where you left off with a creative and/or professional project. Plus Mars entering Cancer June 4th will give an emotionally balanced feeling to the rest of your month and into July, as having a fellow water sign in your home planet will feel both comforting and reassuring.

Sagittarius  (NOV 22-DEC 21)

From June 6th onward, relationships with deep connections will feel positive, and you’ll probably notice that you’re being more appreciated than usual, whether that’s by a romantic partner, friends, or family. There’s more good news for you in your June horoscope, Sagittarius, as Jupiter moves direct June 9th. With Jupiter moving direct, it takes some of the edge off the heavy responsibility of Saturn in Sagittarius that you’ve been carrying around since September, 2015 and will be released from in December of this year. Then  you can take a nice 28-year break! You can also look forward to a simultaneous Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 9th, which means this could be a good time for publishing, starting a course, or planning a vacation abroad. However, due to the Sun opposing the Moon, you might feel somewhat torn between writing or learning about specific facts or broad philosophies. But you can turn that conflict into a positive by embracing both: the detail-oriented shadow aspect of Sagittarius as expressed by Gemini, and the big picture shadow aspect of Gemini that exists in Sagittarius.

Astrological oppositions aren’t meant to keep us in a state of internal division. Instead, oppositions give us the opportunity to merge polarities so that we can express a more balanced relationship with the external world. When you can accept and see the asset in every shadow aspect of your natal chart, you might also inspire self-acceptance in those who struggle with separating themselves from others out of fear. Self-love and love of others are antidotes for internal and external fears.  What unites within us helps fight that which divides without us.

Capricorn (DEC 22-JAN 19)

You’ll likely have a revelation about an enjoyable aspect of your career when the Moon enters Capricorn June 10th. You may feel a little invisible at times this month because so many astrological aspects will be highlighting your opposing sign of Cancer. Take this as an opportunity to step back and enjoy a delightful perspective on your life-where you’ve been, where you’re headed, and who you love right in the here and now.

Speaking of love, some of the most romantic days for you this month will be June 20th-23rd. June 9th could also be a time when you’re magnetising more attention, but due to the energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, you’ll probably feel a need to rest, relax, and retreat from the world. You may find yourself encountering an increase in duties from June 14th-16th due to a Sun-Saturn opposition, but your energy level and ability to manage responsibilities inevitably returns toward the end of the month. The first couple of weeks of June will be an excellent time to meditate, contemplate, and appreciate.

Aquarius (JAN 20-FEB 18)

When the Moon enters Aquarius on June 12th, expect insightful sparks of brilliance to illuminate your mind–so keep a notebook nearby to write your thoughts of inspiration, some of which you’ll probably want to share with the world. Partnerships from the 2nd-5th will be important to you, and you’ll have a lot of focus on your health goals this month. If you encounter a delay or change to some aspect of your career or work plans sometime around the 14th-16th, know that it will ultimately prove beneficial. Additional time yields connections to more resources than you have access to this month.

June 23rd will bring about a new way of perceiving the way you live your life, including habits, priorities, scheduling, and health routines. Your June horoscope indicates that it’s a good month for concentrating on making your home a comfortable place, and the home of your body itself a comfortable haven of health.

Pisces (FEB 19-MAR 20)

The focus for you in the month of June will likely by your relationship with the Self and how your inner life impacts and enhances your relationship to others. Venus semi-square Neptune June 5th could create some confusion in romance, so wait a few days to garner some clarity on the situation before bringing up any accusations or conflicts. As it turns out, things weren’t what they seemed. Neptune goes retrograde June 16th, which could bring about a delay in plans, as well as a feeling of being misunderstood. Know that this is temporary, and you’ll feel able to move forward with more of your plans once Neptune goes direct on November 22nd.

The last week of your June horoscope should bring about better opportunities, and relationships will tend to become more harmonious as the month goes on. And, considering that Neptune remains in Pisces through 2025, even the most challenging months will bring multiple moments of good fortune, synchronicity, attraction, and transcendent spiritual connections for Pisceans.

Be a Psychic Scrivener**: Submit Your Questions

What US, Global News, Science, Tech, or Celebrity Love predictions would you like to know about? You can ask your questions in the comments section or on Twitter @kyraoser. I won’t be able to get to every question (and I won’t know all the answers), but I’ll reply to as many as possible. Please post additional questions in separate comments. Thank you!

Coming Soon!


Q & A: Climate Change Predictions 2017

History’s Mysteries Solved: Did Richard III Murder the Princes in the Tower?

Horoscope: 2017 Astrology Overview: June-December

Q & A: US Predictions 2017, Part II

Accurate Psychic Predictions: 2017 Part I Review

Q & A: Terrorist Predictions 2017

Horoscope: July, 2017

Listen Live to more psychic predictions on KKNW 1150 am Seattle’s America’s Love Channel, hosted by Psychic Hypnotherapist Kyra Oser, Global Psychic Correspondents, & “Everybody’s Soulmate”, Jordan Musen! Fridays @ 1 pm PST/4 pm EST in Seattle, Vancouver, and online worldwide. Call us for predictions about the future of your love life!

*Please consult with your stockbroker or financial advisor regarding financial choices and investments.

**Employment and/or compensation are neither expressed or implied.


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