Clinton Will Win Iowa Caucus, Bernie Will Win NH Primaries

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Clinton Will Win Iowa Caucus, Bernie Will Win New Hampshire Primaries…

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PNN Est. 2010


big brows are back

Thick, natural eyebrows and brown hair will become the new standard of beauty as pale, bleached, monochromatic blonde hair c. 1980’s-2000s begins to decrease in popularity

In 2016 fashion, big brows will be back, with a natural, clean look. This trend will increase throughout the year as it does take time for some of us to grow our eyebrows back. Some of these brows will have faery dust in them as a glittery evening look.

Long, loose brown waves become most popular for hair, followed by short, yellow Twiggy hairstyles with dark lashes, white shadow, and, later, flesh-toned, matte lipsticks. 60s mod inspired fashions will dominate, but with a more natural look than 50 years ago.

In 2017, it will become popular to go back to your natural hair colour or something close to it but with an overall sheen of highlights, especially if your original colour is brown. Pins are back, especially for the top button of long-sleeved, button-down shirts.

As for clothing, if you’re already planning for the summer, start checking out short-sleeved, white-collared baby doll dresses. Look for delicate lace details, mostly in cream and white, on Peter Pan collars throughout the summer. Ruffled turtlenecks replace much of the lace by fall.

baby doll dresses

Baby Doll Dresses from the 1960s and 1990s come back into style, this time with more choices of styles.

Native details come to the forefront of accessories in the Fall and Winter of 2016. This winter, a white monochromatic look with fake white fur and leather becomes popular, as if we are all taking another trip down the Bering Strait and preparing for the next Ice Age. Or are we starting to dress like Polar ice caps as the idea of melting caps brought on by global warming is settling more deeply into our collective consciousness?
folk embroidery

Folk embroidery details become more prominent in fashion soon.

On the other end of the spectrum, detailed embroidery on clothing inspired by colourful folk costumes from around the world are coming into style from the Fall of 2017-Summer of 2018, but never truly go out of style as they will be regarded as “classics”, much like we think of polo shirts and khakis as a classic look now.

In 2018, it’s becoming more common to wear sari tops. While this will be somewhat visible on certain celebrities by the fall of 2017, the increasing popularity of wearing saris is not as noticeable until March of 2018.
Puritan Look

The Puritan Look: just think…with so many black clothes, you won’t need to separate all those loads of wash! What will you do with all the time you save by not doing laundry or plucking brows?

Believe it or not, the Puritan look is making a comeback after 400 years: lots of white, simple blocks of colour, and plenty of covering up. This look will be connected to a new religious movement arising in Illinois, New York, and several other states during the next few years. 2018 will be a big year for new religious movements.

U.S. Elections

Sanders will win in New Hampshire and Clinton takes Iowa in the upcoming primaries. There will be a near tie in the Democratic race with Sanders winning much of the popular vote and Clinton taking the delegates. A lawsuit will be discussed.


markets plummetDown, down, down, the Dow tumbles down this week and will not recover for a while. There will be waiting and hoping, but the market continues to slide as oil prices take a dip.


Tom Hanks makes a major comeback with a challenging role that brings him an Oscar nomination by next year.

tom hanks award

Tom Hanks will be nominated for a critically acclaimed role

A popular mother-son comedy team emerges in the U.S. The pair are from New York and will capitalise on the benefit of the well-timed pause. The success of this team launches a trend of family stand-up comedy, mostly with pairs but sometimes in trios and (less successfully) groups. (Dysfunctional) Family Stand-Up forms its own genre.
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