Posts in the ‘Psychic Life Coaching’ Category

Interview with MetroGreece: Becoming a Psychic

For the full article in Greek, please go to: Kelly Fanioriti: When did you first recognise that you have the gift of “reading” the future? Kyra: When I was about 8 years old, I started sensing when people were sick or wounded, what part of their body was hurting, and sometimes the name of the

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Is Role Playing in Relationships Beneficial or Detrimental?”

On tonight’s episode of Zodiac Divas with special guest Alanna Ubach, we talked about the variety of roles she’s played as an actor, including her voice over artist work portraying far-reaching characters such as little boys. In our relationships, many of us have played particular roles with different people, or even changed roles throughout various

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Is the Wit Worth the Wait?”

Would you rather wait for someone who makes you laugh, or settle for a dullard? A  compatible sense of humour can be such a compelling and enticing aspect of romance that it might be worth the wait, as we discussed with tonight’s guest, comedian Mike Muratore. He reminded us that life (and our dating life)

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Transcending Spiritual Blocks”

Tonight on our “Changing Channels” episode of Zodiac Divas, we spoke with actress Kathy Kinney about channeling as an actor and how that relates to psychic and spiritual versions of channeling. It takes a certain amount of faith to improvise as an actor because there is an element of uncertainty, even to the performer, as

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Spiritual Travel, International Homes”

Tonight on the Zodiac Divas‘ “Passions from Athens” episode, we discussed international travel and how it contributes to our creativity and psychic abilities with special guest, singer/actress Anna Rezan Kritselis from Greece. Anna talked to us about how her adventures with filming in various countries have been an inspiration in her life. Travel can be a

Dear Kyra: “Dreams of the Past”

Dear Kyra,    I would love if you could give me some information about my past lives. Through my dreams I get to see many things about them, but your help will be so welcome my dear.    Much love to you,    -Dreams of the Past 05/16/68   Dear Dreams,   With Sun conjunct

Dear Kyra: “Karmic Relief”

Dear Kyra, Does karma follow me from my last life? For example, if I was bad, is that why I have so many hardships this lifetime??? -Karmic Relief 01/27/77 Dear Karmic, Not in every case. There are times when you will be given a challenge in order to fulfil one of your life’s purposes (your

Dear Kyra: “Lessons of a Lifetime”

Dear Kyra, Can you tell me more about my lessons in this lifetime as it relates to my karma and past lives? -Lessons of a Lifetime 10/03/82 Dear Lessons, According to the Sun conjunct Mercury, Venus, and Saturn in Libra in your chart, you have a destiny to support others in their relationship struggles and

Dear Kyra: “Looking Forward”

Dear Kyra, I would like to know about love. I haven’t felt that warm and fuzzy feeling in a long time and would like to know when will it happen for me. -Looking Forward 11/03/76 Dear Looking, As a Scorpio with Scorpio Rising, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, and your North Node all in Scorpio, you can

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “What is the Higher Purpose of an Obstacle?”

It’s easy to misinterpret a block or challenge in our lives as bad luck, and to subsequently forget that there might be a message behind the madness. What is the message, if there is one? When we are willing to look at the possibility that a block has been placed in our lives to signal

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Psychic Medium Kyra Oser

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