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Q & A on Setting Psychic Boundaries

Life and Afterlife Coaching: Q & A on Setting Psychic Boundaries “How do I know if I need a psychic boundary in one of my relationships?” *If you consistently feel physically or psychically drained around someone, you may be giving too much time, attention and energy to this person. Try this psychological litmus test: HALT.

Psychic Predictions: Spring, 2013 Fashions for Men and Women

Since these are psychic predictions, you can have them well in advance! “Free-Spirited” and “Eccentric” are two words to describe the fashion trends coming up next Spring! WOMEN 1) Women will be dressing more like Frida Kahlo: floral headpieces attached to brightly coloured ribbons, long, Mexican peasant skirts, and white, short-sleeved and short-waisted peasant blouses

Life and Afterlife Coaching: How to Heal Yourself and Others With Colours

How to Use Colours to Heal in Self-Hypnosis: Bodily healing assists the release of emotional pain, which can liberate blocks that have been keeping you from moving forward in relationships. Imagine crystals in the colour of the chakra that is related to the area you are healing (violet: crown chakra, indigo: third eye chakra, blue:throat

“Dear Kyra”

Dear Kyra, I’ve been seeing this guy exclusively for 5 months and we always have such an amazing time together. Our souls feel connected and our chemistry is fantastic. And then he started limiting his visits to once a week which has put me a bit on edge and yesterday he said he doesn’t want

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Why Do I Keep Dating Someone Like My Mom (or Dad)?”

We choose our parent(s), grandparent(s), foster parent(s), or adoptive parent(s) due to future dharma we are meant to fulfil as a destiny in this life, and we also have them chosen for us based on karma from our actions in previous lifetimes. In a way, it is all your choice because karma from past lives was built on prior

The Secret Behind ‘The Secret’, Part III: Finding Love & Fame With Past Life Regression

You’re lying down during a past life regression session, and all of a sudden you hear your Past Life Regressionist say, “Step out of the tunnel, into the light, into a lifetime in which you lived previous to this one.” You look around you, it’s the year 1914, and you’re trying to catch a train to

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Ego Tips”

Ego helps us assert and maintain boundaries with others, but when there is too much ego, we run the risk of alienating relationships. By removing or diminishing the ego, we can be more in the present moment and act as channels of objective information coming from a spiritual source rather than only from the limited

“The Secret Behind ‘The Secret’, Part II: Removing Obstacles to Prosperity”

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “The Secret Behind ‘The Secret’, Part II: Removing Obstacles to Prosperity” In the first part of this exercise, we discussed how to discover your deepest fear in order to become aware of it, acknowledge and accept its presence, and hopefully diminish it. Fears can motivate us to work harder, treat one

“Dear Kyra”

Dear Kyra, I met him someone online over 2 years ago…and honestly, I don’t know how truthful he’s been with me. He says we were together in a past life. I sometimes wonder if it’s even him….or if I’m being played. Is he who he says he is? As it stands right now, I’m not

Astrology Update: This Week’s Lunar Eclipse

There was a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse yesterday. Lunar Eclipses tend to affect relationships. This Lunar Eclipse has a Gemini-Sagittarius axis, tempting us to become more aware of the needs and wants of our logical mind and spiritual mind, and then to find a balance between the two. In other words, there is a struggle to reconcile

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Psychic Medium Kyra Oser

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