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ZNN: Zodiac News Network: World Report

ZNN: Zodiac News Network Featuring tomorrow’s news, today. We’re the newest of the news, reporting it before it even happens! Zodiac News Network… where the forecasters become the newscasters! In Tonight’s News: You will soon hear in future news that co-parenting communities are developing this year in an effort to create cooperation and elevated lifestyles

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Does God Exist?”

I’m not religious, but I know that there is a power higher than myself which I regard as a universal consciousness. There has to be, as the world existed before I got here so there is something greater than all of us. If I play the part like an actor and pretend that there’s something

ZNN: Zodiac News Network: U.S. News

ZNN: Zodiac News Network Featuring tomorrow’s news, today. We’re the newest of the news, reporting it before it even happens! Zodiac News Network… where the forecasters become the newscasters! Tonight in U.S. News: This year will see the beginning of a noteworthy upheaval of the prison system, including protests outside the facilities and riots from

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “To breed, or not to breed: that is the question…”

How can you manage the commendable balance of having a career and family while following your dreams? It helps to work on boundaries to make more time for yourself, let go of perfectionism, keep a dry erase calendar to prioritise activities, consider child care, and make gratitude lists to maintain a positive perspective. Prayer and

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “The Higher Purpose of a Breakup”

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “The Higher Purpose of a Breakup” The theme of tonight’s episode of Zodiac Divas was the spiritual rebirth that is possible after a breakup. Sometimes the one thing that will motivate us to grow is the loss, or threat of loss, of romantic love. If the Universe sees fit to place

Life and Afterlife Coaching: Meditations

01/01/13 You are just as important as anyone else. Hierarchies are a system constructed by the human imagination. We created them, and we can dismantle them. 01/28/13 Prayer is an appeal for release from the self-imprisonment of repetitive consternation. 01/22/13 What are risks but adventures with possibility? Meditation is restoration resulting in revelation. 01/21/13 We

ZNN: Zodiac News Network-Arts & Culture

ZNN: Zodiac News Network Featuring tomorrow’s news, today. We’re the newest of the news, reporting it before it even happens! Zodiac News Network… where the forecasters become the newscasters! ZNN: In Arts & Culture…games involving competitions in the arts will become more popular 2-5 years from now. Cash prizes that can subsidise private projects for

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “Are You Dating an Alpha, Beta, or Omega Male?”

Would you like to know if you’re dating an Alpha Male, a Beta Male, or an Omega Male? Try this quiz (and look for the sequel to this article, “Are you Dating an Alpha, Beta, or Omega Female?”): Give yourself one point for every question with an answer of “yes”. Does your partner… 1) …apologise

ZNN: Zodiac News Network-Technology & Inventions

ZNN: Zodiac News Network Featuring tomorrow’s news, today. We’re the newest of the news, reporting it before it even happens! Zodiac News Network… where the forecasters become the newscasters! Tonight on ZNN: In Technology and Inventions…”The Trance Dance” We will soon have the ability to look at maps, zooming into them with our eyes and

Life and Afterlife Coaching: “What to Do When You’re Dating an Unavailable Partner”

Acting Up As we discussed with one of our callers on the show tonight (Zodiac Girls with Special Guest Dawn Wells), we may look to make an unavailable partner available when we’ve been emotionally or physically abandoned by a parent. We are essentially reenacting our parental relationship and trying to win their affections in order

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Psychic Medium Kyra Oser

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