Life and Afterlife Coaching: Meditations

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Happy 2013! Here are some of the things running through my mind this morning as I think about the new beginnings that are possible with each year we have the opportunity to experience in this incredible life:

By worrying, we do not give anything meaningful to ourselves or others. We are only taking something away: time, our most valuable and limited resource.

Time passes quickly when you’re looking back and slowly when you’re looking forward. When you stop looking, it’s as if time ceases to exist.

Thank you to the squirrel I saw today on a telephone wire who stopped every few seconds to catch its balance, reminding me that if I go too fast I might fall. I need to pause sometimes to get anywhere.

The meaning we get out of life is the meaning we put into it.

If a singular choice exists, there is only one fate. Yet perhaps sometimes there are many possible fates, and we choose one of them through free will. Can destiny be a pas de Deus between ourselves and the Divine?

Clarity is the gift of time.

Only we decide our personal capacity for joy. It is something we can either arrest or allow at any given moment.

Truth is the antidote to corruption.

For every loss, there is a lesson. For every lesson, there is growth. In growth is the seed of a new beginning.

Synchronicity presents the dichotomy of awareness coupled with mystery.

In theoretical physics, the Unified Field Theory posits that all forces of nature are unified by a single principle. If this proves to be true and everything is connected, then all the things you’ve ever wanted are already a part of you.

A smile is faith in its physical form. 🙂

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