ZNN: Zodiac News Network-Arts & Culture

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ZNN: Zodiac News Network

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ZNN: In Arts & Culture…games involving competitions in the arts will become more popular 2-5 years from now. Cash prizes that can subsidise private projects for creative people will be garnered from funds generated by ticket sales. Community-driven artistic endeavours will take a more central role in society as people become increasingly self-employed and search for something tangible that can provide spiritual meaning to one’s life. It will also be like an Olympics for the Arts, and the media coverage generated by these events will bring attention to numerous critical worldwide issues, particularly global warming. This will be a throwback to the height of 5th Century BC Athens, a time when my co-hosts here probably existed in a past life.

This is an excerpt from tonight’s episode of “Alpha Romeo” with Special Guest Lorenzo Lamas.

Presenting Season 4 of the Zodiac Girls, featuring ZNN updates every Tuesday night at 11 pm EST on CBS Radio. For more information, please visit sky.cbslocal.com. Podcasts are available through CBS Radio, iTunes, and at www.zodiac-girls.com

The Greek Theatre and Mount Etna

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