Find Your Dream Career: Three Steps to
Spiritual Success
Psychic Medium, Astrologer & Hypnotherapist Kyra Oser
Have you been wondering what it’s going to take to make your dream career happen? Maybe you’ve made a lot of effort already, but haven’t seen any results. It might help to know that if you have any idea about what makes you happy, you’re already one step in the direction of creating your dreams.
Mythologist, Author and Lecturer Joseph Campbell encouraged the pursuit of one’s dream career when he coined the phrase “follow your bliss”. In this image Campbell is being interviewed by Bill Moyers for the series “The Power of Myth”.
Finding Your Calling: Recommended Reading
If you aren’t sure what your dream looks like, I’ll be publishing an upcoming post about getting in touch with your ideal path. Or you might want to start with a book or audio recording about following your calling, such as Joseph Campbell’s A Hero with a Thousand Faces.
If you’re a writer or artist, you might enjoy The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.
If you want to be in the moment and enjoy your calling as it’s presented to you without being as goal-oriented, Eckhart Tolle’s Finding Your Life’s Purpose might resonate with you. Maybe your current calling isn’t connected to career, but is more about being close to family or finding a meaningful relationship. That’s okay, your life purpose doesn’t always have to be work-oriented. In that case, you might like Calling in the One: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life by Katherine Woodward Thomas. Some of these books might be available at your local library.
If financial circumstances are preventing you from following your dreams, you are not alone. You might want to start on some exercises about self-hypnosis for money issues or debt relief or removing obstacles to prosperity, then come back to this post later.
Once you have an idea of what you want your dream career or ideal life to look like, you can start with a simple chart to guide you closer to creative, professional, or leisure-oriented goals. The chart will also be used as a goal contract that links to your unconscious mind, which I’ll explain in Part II of this series. Feel free to modify the chart and suggestions below to suit your needs, and let it take you in the direction of your own unique destiny.
Defining Visions, Goals & Actions
If you want to take a trip to Paris, it won’t just happen by imaging you’re at the Eiffel Tower. Visualisation is an important first step to the manifestation of your dreams, but without some concrete actions your dreams will most likely remain just dreams. The destination (Paris) is the goal. How your life will look and what you want to feel and do when you get there would be a specific vision. But you will need to take some actions to make it happen.
If you want to enrich the outer life, interact with it. You might put away a little savings every month, research plane tickets, and arrange to clear your schedule of responsibilities. Even the day of travel is a series of small actions as you navigate each city by plane, train, or car. If you want your external life to have unlimited potential, stay in touch with your inner life so that you can tap into the infinite possibilities of the imagination. Visions help us believe in what we can achieve, connect us to something much bigger than ourselves, and provide continual excitement that fuels our motivation for taking actions toward what we want and what we’re meant to create.
Create a Vision Even if You’re Not “Visual”
Actors Johnny Flynn and Geoffrey Rush portrayed Albert Einstein at different ages in the TV series Genius. Einstein’s character is portrayed as pursuing his dream career of being a physicist and professor despite his father’s objections.
You don’t have to have a well-developed imagination to create your vision. Choosing specific ideas you like by doing a vision board or private Pinterest page that helps you get specific about your intention is enough. Then let yourself feel what it would be like to live in the world of those pictures, as if you were playing the main character in a film about “the future you”.
If you are more auditory than visual, you might listen to music or podcasts that give you a feeling of being in another place or situation associated with your goal. Perhaps you admire someone who has already accomplished something you are working toward. What would a day in the life of that person feel like? Reading their biography or watching a biopic can generate perspective and show you how your efforts will eventually be worthwhile. For instance, if you’re passionate about physics but new to the field, perhaps you’ll begin with Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time, or watch a biography about Albert Einstein on the television series Genius. The positive effects of inspiration are immeasurable.
A goal without visions is like a car without fuel-it’s nice to look at, but it doesn’t go anywhere. The spiritual, emotional component is what motivates us to take actions toward a dream. Seeing the experiences of similar spirits can be a key that unlocks the door to that car, helping you identify your own visions so you can find further fuel for your own ambitions. Soon, you’ll feel yourself being propelled forward onto the road of your own destiny. And you won’t be taking this journey alone for a single moment, because all those you’ve admired and learned from will accompany you in the spirit of your adventures as you travel throughout the journeys of life.
Visions, Goals & Actions Chart: Short-Term Plans
Creating a short-term goal can help with clarity, pacing, and organisation. A single-minded focus on long-term actions might make a goal seem intimidating or overwhelming, perhaps resulting in perfectionism, procrastination, and paralysis. When the desires of the mind become incongruent with the abilities of the body, unrealistic expectations can prevent us from taking any action at all. If you’re feeling stuck, try creating a new short-term goal that would be easy for you to attain alongside your present schedule and responsibilities.
Now you’re ready to create a chart like the one in Diagram A. The next three sections of this article will give some details about how to fill in the first part of the chart.
Diagram A: The columns. You can add your six-month goals to the upper boxes for now. There will be more details on how to fill in the one-year and five-year boxes in another blog post. Try to choose one category for your first chart.
1. Visions Column
Make three columns (see Diagram A). In the column on the left, label it “Visions”. Write a brief vision for a six-month goal in the upper left column, describing how it will look and feel once you have what you want. Write in the present tense, as if you are a character narrating a book about your life and it is happening to you this second. Example: “I’m working close to home as an acupuncturist, surrounded by nature and loving people I care about who also care about me. This wooded land and the two-story log cabin structure we work in feels calm, peaceful, and safe.”. You don’t need more than a sentence or two.
If you have a lot of visions and don’t know where to start, you can choose from one of the categories in the chart above. Pick the one you’d most like to do today if you could choose how to spend your time right now. Some suggested categories are: financial, family, recreational, educational, service-oriented, creative, or otherworldly. You can also add “romance” as a category, and use the chart to further your dating or relationship goals.
2. Goals Column
In the second column of the upper middle box on your chart, label it “Goals”. Once you’ve defined a vision, it might be easier for you to identify your goal. Write a short-term goal that would be realistic for you to achieve over the next six months. Examples: “I’ve completed a business plan for my company” or “I’m meeting potential partners who are honest, trustworthy, available, and whose relationship goals are similar to mine”.
3. Actions Column
In the third column, label it “Actions”. Write a small action in the upper right box that’s easy and realistic for you to complete in the near future. That way you’ll be more likely to take the action without feeling overwhelmed. A small action might be an hour or two of research or note-taking on how to write a business plan or fundraise for your prospective nonprofit organisation. Ideally, it would something simple that fits into your current schedule.
Then take that action when you’re ready. If you don’t feel inspired to take the action, go back to putting more details in your vision by reading or watching biographies of those who have gone before you and overcame their own blocks to achieving success. You can do it too. Why not you?
The Goal Contract: Three Steps to Future Success
Stay tuned for Part II of this series, where you’ll create a goal contract about your dream career which will bring you significantly closer to creating the life you want.
Listen Live to more psychic predictions on KKNW 1150 am Seattle’s America’s Love Channel, hosted by Psychic Medium, Astrologer & Certified Hypnotherapist Kyra Oser, Global Psychic Correspondents, & “Everybody’s Soulmate”, Jordan Musen! Fridays @ 1 pm PST/4 pm EST in Seattle, Vancouver, and online worldwide. Call us for predictions about the future of your love life!
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