ESPNN: U.S. News


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U.S. News: Reporting from Silver Spring, Maryland. More news has been uncovered in the unfortunate case of a missing girl from Washington, D.C. The body of Relisha Tenau Rudd, aged 8, has been located by authorities this Friday morning, with as many as 13 stab wounds. It is thought that the perpetrator brought her to a wooded area in the south side of Antacostia Park and committed the act at night, around 2 weeks prior to the discovery of her remains. The accused, Kahlil Tatum, is still at large and authorities are expected to find him by next Wednesday, April 2nd, after being spotted on a bridge, armed and carrying a weapon. Tatum is expected to attempt suicide with a gunshot wound to the head prior to authorities being able to arrest the suspect. Tips reported to the police have included sitings of Tatum in cities such as Wilmington, Delaware, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and having traveled to farther areas close to the coast, yet Tatum has mostly stayed closer to Baltimore and Silver Spring, Maryland. He has been spotted in a red and black pickup truck.
According to authorities, Tatum attempted to bury Relisha following the murder, but panicked and instead placed her body in the trunk and eventually dumped her remains, initially planning on a dumpster in an alleyway near the park, and later deciding on in a nearby river, possibly the Antacostia. Please stay tuned for more updates from the future. 

Source: Kyra Oser Blog Feed

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