Trump Running Mate Rubio His First Choice, Trump University Trial Settlement Paid with Campaign Donations, Democrats Take Senate Majority & Can Bernie Win?

Home » Psychic Predictions » Trump Running Mate Rubio His First Choice, Trump University Trial Settlement Paid with Campaign Donations, Democrats Take Senate Majority & Can Bernie Win?

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U.S. Politics

Trump Running Mate Rubio His First Choice

Trump Running Mate Rubio? I mentioned that Trump will be looking for a Latin-American Senator from a swing state…that this person will be shorter than him and have medium brown hair…then described the candidate as having a big smile and magnanimous personality. In the next paragraph under the heading “Trump Running Mate”…PNN published “Expect to hear more about Rubio in the news soon, now that he has had time to think about his losses and is willing to work with Trump in some capacity in order to unite the party he believes in…” And, although it was in another context, PNN mentioned in a blog post from December, 2015 that “Rubio will be asked to run as the Vice Presidential nominee instead”. While Trump would prefer a female running mate, you can’t always get what you want (which is exactly what the Stones must be thinking right now as Trump refuses to stop playing their albums at his rallies even though they sent him a cease-and-desist). Trump wishes he could put Rubio in a wig and heels, though, just for some o’ those “lady votes”1, although it would alienate a lot of his base if he carried around a cross-dressing sidekick. While Rubio may be the main running mate Trump is now wooing, a problem exists in that Rubio would want to back out of his initial acceptance of the position due to deep regrets and fear over what associating himself with Trump would do to any future opportunities in his political career. And while it was not quite a Stones song, it was the song “Like a Rolling Stone” in which Bob Dylan sang “When you got nothin’, you got nothin’ to lose…”

  1. see below, “heels” and “hair” in “Fun in Future Fashion”

Can Bernie Win?

There will be more virtual ties and too close to calls to come. Look for seven or eight more wins for Bernie before the National Convention: a very good showing in CA, close call in KY, a win in WV and the wins in OR NE MT SD & ND that I mentioned in a previous blog. The most significant near tie will be in June in CA. A strong enough performance for Sanders in such a populous state as CA will be a pivotal and defining moment in his overall campaign, and along with winning nearly half the states in the nation, will help him make a better case to superdelegates at the convention. I’ve been seeing Hillary win the Democratic nomination since last August when we published a blog on the upcoming elections, but it’s always looked close between her and Bernie. And when it’s that close, and coming down to a few superdelegates, a little change in action from a lot of people can make a significant difference. Can anything tip the scale in his favour if Clinton is so far set to win?

Now we get into a philosophical discussion about fate vs. free will, too long to ruminate on for this brief post. But to be brief, in my experience with psychic readings, many things are fated in life. The family we’re born into, our medical challenges, educational opportunities or lack thereof, and many environmental factors over which we have little to no control. But as a Hypnotherapist, I’ve also seen that when a client wants to a new way of life and commits to it consistently, change is not only possible but it is inevitable. We can’t change the nouns in life (other people, places, and things), but we can change the ABCs: our attitudes, behaviours, and choices. And one of those things-your attitude, an action you take, or a choice you make-one by one, does change the world. The more of us who do it, the more we’ll see results. An election is something you participate in (with the hope that there are no issues at the polls), therefore you are a part of the outcome. Think of the Serenity Prayer: “…grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Have courage.

Updates on National Conventions

I mentioned in the previous section that an election is something you participate in. And you may disagree with that to a certain extent, in that our participation is limited by closed primaries. But behold-we will be seeing open primaries by the next election cycle. Bernie Sanders has changed this. Superdelegates will be scrapped by 2-3 election cycles from now. It’s Bernie who changed this, too. If you want to know if free will exists, ask someone speaks up and takes action on their beliefs. And he would probably tell you to vote, too, no matter what the outcome might look like now. And especially in the fall.

Challenges for Hillary

Deeper recession, a looming oil crisis, and a stock market crash will be challenging for Hillary this summer, who is most closely associated with the current administration of all 3 candidates who are currently in the race. While the crash will have more of an effect in other parts of the world at first and most of the financial issues will be prominent in the U.S. by November, fear and panic from another financial collapse in the banking system by July will of course have an effect on the outcome of the elections.

While I pick up most psychic information under self-hypnosis, I sometimes have predictions that come up in dreams. I had a dream a couple of nights ago that Hillary and Bill owned a property that wasn’t being used, and that this will become an issue due to something about hidden money in real estate. She will find a resolution which has something to do with showing up at that residence and visiting it in a way that gives an appearance that it’s being used for necessary purposes. But was it Bill or Trump in the image? Because it felt like Trump was there, too, although hidden as well. Could this be something related to the Panama Papers? No matter what it is, Hillary resolves this next attack that she will have to endure with her dependable traits  of resourcefulness and resilience.

Challenges for Trump

Without a rival gang of other Republican contenders to taunt , it’s a bit like a reality TV soliloquy…and part of what makes reality TV appealing is the conflict in its relationships! Now Trump only has Hillary and Bernie. Hillary will seem too easy a target due to him being a notorious misogynist (or at least playing one on TV) and she being a she, therefore many attempts to put down Hillary will be met with disdain from much of the media. Trump will act at first as if he respects Bernie, but as Sanders becomes a real threat to upsetting Clinton’s hold on the nomination, Trump increases his negative statements toward Bernie. This will not go well for Trump, as it invites retaliation and backlash on social media that further diminishes his reputation and exposes what many will see as petty fault-finding.

Trump will not have the full backing of the Republican Party even by choosing an establishment running mate. The Party will be bitterly divided on the issue of what his presumptive nomination means for the future of their careers and the movement that some of them built their lives around. Trump will accuse Hillary of corruption, but he will be paying off a large settlement to subdue the Trump University Trial with…campaign donations. How will get out of that deception, once discovered? He’ll pay off other people with more of his campaign donations to settle with them and keep them from pursuing criminal charges. Although he can’t get away with it forever, he can still cause damage along the way.

How do I know he can’t get away with that kind of deception? This next one’s not a dream, but a meditation at the end of a hypnosis session which was facilitated by Jordan Musen (my co-host on America’s Love Channel). I take myself through a future progression, which is like a past life regression, only in the opposite direction and I stay in this lifetime. So I’ll basically travel forward in my mind to weeks or months or sometimes years from now. Then Jordan asks questions and I look at the papers or watch the news that day. Tell him if I disagree with an outfit he’s wearing in the future to avoid a possible fashion tragedy. But back to Trump! The vision I saw was very clear: Trump as Pinocchio, wearing a lightly coloured suit with puppet strings and a wooden nose that grows and grows.

The question is, who is Geppetto? Reince Priebus?

What Will Happen to Kasich?

Trump will leave Kasich in the dust. False promises have been made and Kasich will be disappointed that he is not chosen as a VP, especially after Kasich will soon show his support for Trump. Christie and Carson will also feel disappointment about not being chosen as Trump’s running mate, although Carson is not setting his hopes on it as much as Christie was. Trump has had his photo ops with Carson and Christie; that was really all he needed from them. He chooses them for their visibility. Being associated with those who have also been getting a lot of recent media coverage only amplifies Trump’s perceived appearance of political credibility by association.

Will Democrats Take Senate Majority?

Yes, by a thin margin. It looks like they gain about three seats in the house. Check for more Senate developments in future posts…and now for:

Fun in Future Fashion

Trends of the 2040s: Ascetic Priests vs. The Moving Museum Fashion Faction

In about 20-25 years, high heels will be looked back on as barbaric tools of torture, almost in the way that we presently perceive ten centuries of Chinese foot binding. On the opposite end of the body’s spectrum, let’s look at how hairstyles will be perceived by future humans. In retrospect, the amount of time and resources spent on complex hair styling will be considered by many to be absurd and wasteful.

There will be a major movement toward simplicity and asceticism which you will notice in the 2040s, although there will be signs of it along the way. These people will look like priests or cult followers but they will really be saving lots of money on fabric. And many are environmental activists. At the same time, a rebellious fashion faction will celebrate freedom of expression with increasingly outrageous moving art museums to be worn by multiple people at a time. The costumes get so elaborate that they become too precarious and unwieldy to be worn by one person at a time and have to be shared by a group! These divided facets of society as expressed in fashion will represent community vs. the individual, and the creative Dionysian spirit vs. our Apollonian, logical side. Ultimately, these fashion trends will express a universal desire to integrate a love of society with a love of self. Both ways of life can coexist in a world where we make time for the individual to be celebrated while still finding ways to nurture our social relationships. It’s not a coincidence that around the same time, work and family life will will become more unified as stay-at-home work becomes more mainstream…meaning that family and community can become a priority for the first time since prior to the 20th century.

Preview of Upcoming Psychic News Network Blog Posts! 

Politics: Predictions on National Conventions & the Birth of a New Party…Plus a Peek at this Fall’s Electoral Map!

Entertainment: Janet Jackson’s Baby Boy, What Will Happen to Every Major Game of Throne Character this Season? (Future Spoilers!) & Who Will be the Next James Bond? Stay Tuned!



Listen Live to more predictions on KKNW 1150 am Seattle’s America’s Love Channel, hosted by Psychic Hypnotherapist Kyra Oser, Global Psychic Correspondents, & “Everybody’s Soulmate”, Jordan Musen! Fridays @ 1 pm PST/4 pm EST in Seattle, Vancouver, and online worldwide. Call us for predictions about your future love life!



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  1. This does interest me

  2. Nathan Fleischman on September 6, 2016 at 10:43 pm said:

    “Trump will accuse Hillary of corruption, but he will be paying off a large settlement to subdue the Trump University Trial with…campaign donations. How will get out of that deception, once discovered? He’ll pay off other people with more of his campaign donations to settle with them and keep them from pursuing criminal charges. Although he can’t get away with it forever, he can still cause damage along the way.”

    You are right. This prediction is coming true.

  3. Nathan Fleischman on July 14, 2016 at 2:51 pm said:

    Trump is choosing an establishment running mate.

  4. Nathan Fleischman on July 1, 2016 at 4:55 pm said:

    Trump used charity money to buy a football helmet.

  5. Nathan Fleischman on June 22, 2016 at 7:33 am said:

    Trump has been using campaign donations to fund his properties.

  6. Nathan Fleischman on June 18, 2016 at 9:54 am said:

    Clinton has DC.

  7. Nathan Fleischman on June 8, 2016 at 4:16 pm said:

    Trump has already been accused of petty fault-finding.

  8. Nathan Fleischman on June 8, 2016 at 8:40 am said:

    Sanders has Montana, and Clinton has California.

  9. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 9:38 pm said:

    Clinton leads in California.

  10. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 9:36 pm said:

    Sanders leads in Montana.

  11. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 9:17 pm said:

    The pledged delegates in South Dakota are split evenly.

  12. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 9:05 pm said:

    Clinton will be nominated on pledged delegates, not superdelegates.

  13. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 8:53 pm said:

    Prediction proven wrong. South Dakota is Clinton’s.

  14. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 8:46 pm said:

    There is no doubt Clinton will win California. Montana and South Dakota are too close.

  15. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 8:40 pm said:

    Clinton has New Mexico.

  16. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 7:34 pm said:

    There is a chance Sanders might edge out Clinton in South Dakota.

  17. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 6:45 pm said:

    Sanders wins North Dakota.

  18. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 6:44 pm said:

    Sanders still has North Dakota, but South Dakota looks like an upset so far.

  19. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 6:28 pm said:

    Sanders is catching up in South Dakota.

  20. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 6:16 pm said:

    Clinton leads in New Mexico and South Dakota.

  21. Nathan Fleischman on June 7, 2016 at 5:52 pm said:

    Clinton has New Jersey just as you predicted.

  22. Nathan Fleischman on May 28, 2016 at 12:57 am said:

    Trump is refusing to debate Bernie Sanders. He is being called a coward.

  23. Nathan Fleischman on May 27, 2016 at 12:50 pm said:

    Trump University is in the news. And ir has been exposed as a fraud.

  24. Nathan Fleischman on May 26, 2016 at 12:54 pm said:

    “Trump will not have the full backing of the Republican Party even by choosing an establishment running mate.” With Trump’s insult yesterday, that will surely be accurate.

  25. Nathan Fleischman on May 25, 2016 at 2:28 pm said:

    Trump accused Hillary Clinton of corruption. When do you think Trump will be exposed as corrupt?

  26. Nathan Fleischman on May 17, 2016 at 8:42 pm said:

    Sanders has won Oregon as you predicted.

  27. Nathan Fleischman on May 17, 2016 at 8:14 pm said:

    There is the possibility that Clinton might win Oregon.

  28. Nathan Fleischman on May 17, 2016 at 7:32 pm said:

    Kentucky is proving too close to call for CNN. But it looks like Clinton is winning.

  29. Nathan Fleischman on May 17, 2016 at 4:09 pm said:

    There is a close call in Kentucky.

  30. Nathan Fleischman on May 14, 2016 at 12:42 pm said:

    Some scandals in Trump’s past are being uncovered.

  31. Nathan Fleischman on May 13, 2016 at 5:07 pm said:

    I am in need of more blog posts.

  32. Nathan Fleischman on May 13, 2016 at 12:07 pm said:

    I have seen a report that Trump was willing to use campaign donations to recoup the costs of his primary campaign.

  33. Nathan Fleischman on May 12, 2016 at 6:46 pm said:

    One question. With the Oregon polls having Clinton in the lead, do you predict an upset?

  34. Nathan Fleischman on May 11, 2016 at 10:22 pm said:

    I meant no offense. Kyra Oser isn’t as accurate as the Psychic Twins, but many of her predictions have come true nonetheless.

  35. Nathan Fleischman on May 11, 2016 at 10:21 pm said:

    There are only a few psychics I trust. Kyra Oser, Sidney Friedman, and the Psychic Twins are those few. I trust the Psychic Twins the most because most of there predictions have come true.

  36. I have noticed a trend of psychic for-seeings predicting what they want to happen, not what actually will happen

  37. Nathan Fleischman on May 10, 2016 at 6:29 pm said:

    Sanders has now won West Virginia.

  38. Nathan Fleischman on May 10, 2016 at 5:45 pm said:

    West Virginia is proving too close to call.

  39. Nathan Fleischman on May 10, 2016 at 2:41 pm said:

    Rubio has refused to become Trump’s running mate.

  40. Nathan Fleischman on May 6, 2016 at 10:00 pm said:

    Do you still predict that Clinton will win the election?

  41. Iovebunny on May 6, 2016 at 2:13 pm said:

    Great blog. But I was fated to write this.

  42. Nathan Fleischman on May 6, 2016 at 1:05 pm said:

    Do you see the GOP ending up like the Federalist Party?

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