March 15 Primary Predictions

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los-angeles-psychic-2Psychic Kyra Oser offers March 15 Primary Predictions.

March 12, 2016

I don’t find it easy to channel psychic predictions about something where I feel involved, even if it’s only as a prospective voter. It’s challenging to remain unbiased in a psychic reading under normal circumstances, and particularly while I’m recovering from some surgeries. Throughout the 5 surgeries I’ve had the opportunity to benefit from during the last 7 months, I’ve noticed a potential for distorted perception in some of the vision-seeking I’ve pursued during early stages of the healing process. Yet there was nothing more I seemed to want to do in the first couple of days after my recent foot surgery than blog. Other than bake a cake, which I was told I insisted on doing right away on the ride home from the hospital. Instead I fell out of the car into a gaggle of rose bushes while reaching for a crutch and woke up to a years’ supply of Swerve, chocolate chips, and magnetic refrigerator snack clips that I’d apparently demanded*. I don’t even know what the magnetic snack clips were for. Since that sort of behaviour was unusual for me (other than being uncoordinated, that’s daily), I’m not sure if I had enough clarity then or am even lucid right now. I do know that I have a lot of snacks magnetically adhered to the refrigerator for when we watch Tuesday’s turning point primaries!

*(Thank you, Jordan!)

March 15 Primary Predictions

A calculated development will be taking place throughout the course of the rest of the U.S. presidential elections in 2016, and it’s happening in both major parties. There will be an attempt to subterfuge the aspirations of what will be the two most popular candidates: Trump and Sanders. Bernie will continue to increase in popularity, yet more superdelegates will go to Hillary. Trump will be facing a more direct threat from the GOP: basically, quit or be fired. There will be manufactured scandals, threats, and claims that campaign rule violations should make him ineligible for the nomination. No matter how you may feel about Trump as a presidential candidate, the legality of upcoming proceedings and tactics initiated by the RNC in an attempt to end Trump’s campaign will be called into question. Trump will experience an unrelenting political assault from several fronts that threatens to jeopardises his candidacy and is designed by the GOP to discourage his rise and install their own choices. The plan will backfire and split an already divisive party.

I’m projecting this to be the most litigious Presidential election in US history so far. There will be multiple lawsuits on both the Republican and Democratic side. And now for March 15 Primary Predictions:

North Carolina



Second: Cruz







Second: Trump



Kasich. Update: Trump/Kasich Too Close to Call. 


Clinton/Sanders Recount. Too Close to Call. Sanders.

There will be polling problems and a demand for recounts in parts of the Chicago and Peoria districts, where a large number of votes for Sanders will not be counted. Sanders will do better than expected, but Illinois is called for Clinton just before serious ballot issues are able to be resolved, and a Too Close to Call that would have put Sanders in a slight lead is suppressed at first. I see Sanders as the rightful winner of Illinois based on a lead of very few votes. How successful his campaign will be at getting those votes counted is not clear to me. The Democratic primary in Illinois was the most complex to read so far for the 2016 primaries. I will post an update if I have more information. 


Second: Cruz

Third: Kasich

Fourth: Rubio


Update: Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee

Merrick Garland will soon be chosen by President Obama as the next Supreme Court nominee to replace the late Justice Scalia. Garland’s lengthy experience and moderate appeal will make him a choice that exposes any further GOP obstructionism.  Sri Srinivasan was his second choice.


What will happen in the elections after March 15th?

After this coming Tuesday, Clinton and Sanders will be in a virtual tie in terms of how many states they’ve won and who is projected to win the nomination. Clinton will receive increased donations at record-breaking levels from those who are seeking to protect their initial and ongoing investments. A lot will be at stake for banks, corporations, and special-interest groups that have been increasingly buying influence in exchange for power with most of the candidates. Humans have historically done their best to work within the limitations of an existing system combined with the abilities of their own character that they bring to the experience. We are all, to a certain extent, a product of our times and traits. Yet perhaps one of the traits of a true hero is neither nature nor nurture, but the choice to do what is beneficial for others despite any obstacles in the time, place, or circumstances in which they find themselves to be.

Trump will still have many supporters in upcoming states, but soon faces challenges on many fronts and will not experience the profound or lasting devotion of icon-in-the-making Bernie Sanders. On a more collective level, Sanders’ presence in this year’s campaign has brought about a unification of younger generations toward a common purpose while encouraging meaningful activities such as civic participation and the pursuit of higher education. Immanuel Kant once said, “Rules for happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.” Bernie has given all three. The reverberations of his influence will continue to inspire cultural progress on many levels for more than just the next 4-8 years.
A positive and memorable byproduct of the media attention on this year’s elections will be a spirited national conversation that’s opened up a renewed interest in political debate. Many candidates have either directly or indirectly exposed hidden truths about unresolved issues in our political system. Chronic problems such as mass incarceration, frequent, extraordinary violence, and poverty as a standard rather than the exception will bring about an increase in solution-oriented discussions. And awareness is a preliminary step to accepting reality and therefore being able to take action. No matter how you feel about the outcome of this election, a change is happening and the hope is that it will be more beneficial than detrimental. In times of great upheaval, it is often both.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” -Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities


  1. David on March 13, 2016 at 8:50 pm said:

    Hey there Kyra now i’m very concerned that Illinois will be stolen from Bernie! Check out this article below!

    Sanders’ Illinois delegate filings may cause ballot problems at polls

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