Stocks Crash, Trump Not a Billionaire, & Homeless Revolt of 2017

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Psychic Kyra Oser hosts radio show America’s Love Channel, offering news of the future (and the future of your love life!), along with global psychic correspondents.

Stocks Crash, Trump Not a Billionaire, & Homeless Revolt of 2017: March 8, 2016


Expect another stock market crash and selloff on Friday, March 11th @ 7 am EST. There will be many who still ignore the signs of this last warning of an even more devastating crash than the Asian crash of June-July, 2015.

The crash will show in another country yet the national economy in the US will continue to be artificially bolstered due to it being an election year.

U.S. Politics

It will be revealed that Trump does not have the net worth of billions that he’s been claiming. He will then turn this exposure to his advantage by equating his lowered net worth with an ability to relate to those who struggle financially. There will be lawsuits on both the Republican and Democratic parties. On the Republican side, it’s a lawsuit by Trump for being pushed out of the party by the RNC despite winning more states than other candidates. On the Democratic side, Bernie will  more than tie with Hillary but is blocked from the nomination due to delegates. The Democratic lawsuit is a class action lawsuit initiated by “We, the People” and put forward by a large group of citizens and attorneys. There will be a lot of stress for Hillary this fall as she goes on to win the nomination and the general elections.

World News

Homeless Rights: The next big issue of social injustice to gain attention due to repeated protests beginning in 2016 and escalating by 2017 will be that of homeless rights. While an uprising will mostly be noticeable at first in the United States due to a vast disparity in wealth and class division, there will be subsequent protests throughout the world. In the upcoming Homeless Revolt of 2017, several cities such as  New York, Washington D.C., and San Francisco will coordinate simultaneous protests by May, thanks to internet access and social media. There will be a demand for fair housing, public safety, and the freedom to remain outdoors without being criminalised and prosecuted for not having alternative options. There will be an argument that safety and freedom are guaranteed to each citizen as an inalienable right, and those without access to residential protection are granted neither. It will become evident that those who are without a place to stay have been identified first by their housing status rather than name, making it easier for potential helpers to detach from their plight. In grouping people as “the homeless” or an individual as “she’s a homeless”, these distancing terms imply that circumstances beyond our control are more defining characteristics than those of our own choosing or what we possess by nature. Everyone has something unique to contribute, even if is what we can learn from the story of their experience. We are each of us unique in all time, yet fundamentally the same. Much of what we seek to increase in our society-quality education, access to the arts, peaceful solutions to domestic and international conflict-are right by our doorsteps and on the streets of our cities. Teachers, artists, musicians, 99% of actors (most of the wealth goes to the top 1% in  as well), and problem-solvers struggle to survive in a society that places little value on creativity in its economic structure and educational system. We miss out on a lot by dismissing the lot.

In an ironic twist, climate change issues will turn many survivors of poverty into valued harbingers of hope who can teach us to make do with very little. Those we ignore today will become our leaders of tomorrow.


A more accelerated system of research than tabs in the form of clicks that flip like a rolodex to something several steps ahead. The computer anticipates what you will eventually want to research, look at, or accomplish online based on a frequently updated system of probabilities and statistics.

Gambling will grow as a pastime and become more accepted as a form of income rather than a pastime. There will also be an issue with increased activity by children posing online as adult gamblers, some of whom are earning money for impoverished families. This practice highlights the societal problem of younger people coping with higher expenses and less access to basic resources. It’s not that wealth inequality is unique to this generation. Unfortunately, fundamental issues don’t seem to receive the attention they deserve until large segments of developed countries become affected. Class division has been a problem throughout much of the world and for multiple generations, going back to systems of serfdom in the Middle Ages, indentured servitude in ancient Rome, and a caste system that is in the midst of being adamantly protested as India becomes a more formidable world power.


Creative thinkers have an ability to thrive even in times of what seem to be insurmountable conflict. The Millennial generation has been presented with an unprecedented financial problem, yet from this dilemma, a great creative generation is born. I mentioned the coming neo-Renaissance, and millennials will make a significant contribution to a revival of the arts. More mental health treatments of the future will be integrated with the arts, and some of the issues we now see with violence will be dealt with artistically. It’s not as if everyone would be willing to drop guns and pick up a paintbrush, but as children are nurtured more in the arts once again, dealing with feelings like anger in creative and productive ways will become a good habit.

bloomers early 1920w

Early 1920s Bloomers


Look for Victorian petticoats featuring lace detail and the return of Edwardian and 1920s bloomers. 1920s men’s knickers presented as a unisex will make a comeback by the fall of 2017-2018.

There will be many unisex clothing stores opening later this year, especially in and after August. A decrease in the rigid division of male and female makes it possible for internal traits to become more highly valued in what will be perceived as nothing less than a Beauty Revolution. The trend will be to transcend identity defined by physical appearance and to place the value on choices we make instead of luck inherited at birth. As we become less focused on measuring the value of external traits, new forms of experiencing spiritual phenomena will be explored in an era of international inner expansion.

Coming Soon: History’s Mysteries Solved!

We’re going back in time and cracking crime cases from King Tut to the hit show Serial in our ongoing series, History’s Mysteries Solved. No need for forensics evidence, autopsies, or DNA tests when all you have to access is the power of the mind! More updates soon at


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Psychic predictions are for entertainment purposes only. Any decisions, financial or otherwise, are solely your responsibility and are taken at your own risk.


  1. David on March 10, 2016 at 3:00 am said:

    Hi Kyra can you make predictions for this coming Super Tuesday which is on March 15th? I wanna know how many states Bernie wins.

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