Stock Market Predictions “Calm Before the Storm”: January 31, 2016

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Economy Predictions Update

There will be an unusually high soaring of values in Monday’s stock market, followed by a sharp downturn by the middle of the afternoon this Tuesday. We’ve been experiencing the calm before the storm. Expect a blizzard. The downward Dow lasts throughout February.


  1. Mary Mraz on February 11, 2016 at 4:00 pm said:

    Is it a good time to buy gold or will gold decrease in value in the future?

  2. Can you look into other countries especially emerging economies? I am in India and we are seeing a lot of political crises here. We are facing threat of terrorism from Pakistan and much internal wrangling. It is being said that India will face less problem economically but the stock market is following the US trend. Everyday the political parties scream at each other. Our Supreme Court is now making a constitution bench to decide the case for legalising gay relations and either way there will be controversies. Indian astrologers talk of a war with Pakistan in 2020 but tensions are already high due to a recent terror attack. The prime Minister is becoming more unpopular but he is the best bet to solve the problems bequeathed by previous corrupt governments Can you turn your crystal ball towards the east?

  3. What about the RE market?

  4. Tony NEwton on January 31, 2016 at 7:56 am said:

    thank you so much for making economic forecasts…
    many of us know the market is in a secular bear trend but we can get dizzy trying to play the violent up/down moves..
    your insight and foresight are highly valued…there will be many people able to rise out of marginal/paycheck living by trading on your counsel…thanks again…Tony Newton

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